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时间:2018-11-01 18:31来源:毕业论文

Effect of Artificial Hibernation Agents on Wild Life And Reproductive Capacity of Drosophila Melanogaster
Abstract: Objective: To explore the effect of artificial hibernation agent on drosophila longevity and reproductive capacity. Methods: Collect wild fruit flies, and anesthetized them with ether, equal distributed and loaded in a solid medium with different concentrations of promethazine (small dose: 0.0001g / g, middle dose: 0.001g / g, a large dose: 0.01g / g, the  blank control group without promethazine), under conditions of high temperature stress to observe and record the number of surviving flies every day at the same time; synchronize flies that have collected, select pupated flies and is not mating within 8 hours, ether anesthetized and identified the male and female, and then move into solid medium with different concentrations of promethazine .Every bottle has three pairs  drosophila, to observe the pupae of the volume and speed, and recorded. Results: Under the high temperature stress, promethazine extended wild drosophila,s life, the most obvious effect of it is small dose group; promethazine inhibits the reproductive capacity of wild fruit flies. Conclusion: Promethazine extended wild flies, life, but will inhibit their reproductive capacity.
Keywords: Artificial hibernation agent; Promethazine; Drosophila; Life; Reproductive capacity
摘要    1
引言    2
1 实验材料    3
1.1 时间与地点    3
1.2 实验材料、试剂和用品    3
1.3 主要实验仪器    3
2实验方法    4
2.1果蝇培养基的制备    4
2.2野生果蝇的收集    4
2.3 果蝇寿命试验    4
2.4 果蝇生殖能力试验    5
2.4 数据统计方法    5
3 结果与分析    5
3.1盐酸异丙嗪对果蝇寿命的影响    5
3.2盐酸异丙嗪对果蝇生殖能力的影响    7
4 讨论    7
5 结论    9
参考文献    10
致  谢    11
人工冬眠剂对野生果蝇寿命和生殖能力的影响  引言
果蝇是一种体长大约3mm 的昆虫,因其常聚集在腐烂的水果周围而得名果蝇(fruit fly)[1]。果蝇是完全变态的双翅目昆虫,具有生活史短、繁殖率高、突变型多、染色体数目多等突出特点[2-3],是生物学相关研究的重要模式生物之一[4]。其作为模式生物的优势主要是具有与人类相似的繁殖、生长、发育、衰老等阶段,且饲养简单、易于操作、体积小、成本低廉、繁殖力强、生命周期短( 约两周) 、子代数量多,以及便于进行表型分析、有利于一般实验室使用等[5]。
人工冬眠是指通过异丙嗪、氯丙嗪、哌替啶等组成的合剂,配合物理降温的方法,让机体进入人工冬眠疗法状态,这种状态下机体对各种病理刺激的反应减弱,各组织特别是脑组织对缺氧的耐受力增强,使在病理状况下异常收缩的小动脉得以扩张,增进区域性血流灌注,改善微循环。通过人工冬眠法,使机体处于一种保护性抑制状态,得以度过危险的缺氧和缺能阶段,以治疗某些危急病例。 异丙嗪对果蝇生长发育的影响:http://www.751com.cn/shengwu/lunwen_25340.html