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时间:2018-10-24 21:06来源:毕业论文

摘  要:教学课堂是老师和学生共同创造的,需要老师科学有效的组织开展,也需要学生认真全面的配合老师的课堂工作,只有这样,才能达到双赢的局面。有效的教学策略在一定程度上可以促进教师的教学、提高学生的学习成绩、增加师生之间的感情。教学追求的目标就是使学生快乐的成长,全发面的发展。随着新课改的进行,针对课堂,研究教学策略日益备受社会,家庭和教师们的关注。高效课堂是相对于无效课堂而言的。课堂教学的高效性是指在课堂,通过教师的专心教学,以及课上课下认真指导,学生能够主动学习的过程,从而使学生健康快乐的成长。我们研究中学生物学的课堂教学策略就是为了提高老师的专业素质和学生们的学习效效果。这次研究是根据教育学理论,访问老师和学生的实践活动,以及对课堂教学现状的分析,对教师和学生们提出一定的的建议,以期达到中学生物课堂教学策略的提高。29561
毕业论文关键词: 中学教育;生物学;有效课堂;影响因素;教学策略.
The Study of Biological Effective Classroom Teaching Strategies in Junior High School
Abstract: Efficiency of classroom teaching refers to the high efficiency and high quality in a unit time to complete the teaching task and promote the efficient development of the student through the teacher's leading and students' active learning thinking process in the normal classroom teaching. Classroom teaching is the main land in school education, and it is the main channel of the student to obtain information, improve the ability and form the ideological concept. Improving the classroom efficiency has become a hot issue of education research, but also an inevitable topic in the basic education teaching research. This study mainly uses the theory of education to investigate and analyze the biology efficient classroom influencing factors in junior high school. The results show that teacher's education concepts and teaching methods, students' learning habits, and the relationship between teachers and students have important effects on the classroom teaching efficiency. Meanwhile, it expounds the connotation of the efficient classroom and the teaching strategy, and the junior high efficient classroom teaching strategies are put forward on the basis of it. From the teacher's teaching idea and students' learning style we can gain some enlightenment in order to provide a reference for the biology teaching in Junior high school.
Key words: Junior high school students; Biology; Efficient classroom; Influencing factors; Teaching strategy
目    录

摘  要    1
引言    2
1 问题的提出    2
2传统教学和国外有效教学的策略观点    3
2.1传统教学    3
2.11传统教学的方法和方式    3
2.12传统教学方法存在的问题    3
2.13传统教学的优缺点分析    3
2.2国外有效教学的策略观点    4
3有效教学中存在的问题以及影响因素    4
3.1有效课堂中存在的问题    4
3.2有效课堂的影响因素    4
4 有效教学策略    4
4.1 有效教学策略的教学设计    4
4.1.1明确教学目标是高效备课的前提    5
4.1.2透彻研究教材是高效备课的重要途径    5
4.1.3充分了解和研究学生是高效备课的关键    5
4.1.4编写导学案,实施学案导学是备课的重要手段    6
4.2关于教师有效教学策略    6
4.2.1创设情境,导入新课,吸引学生注意    6 中学生物学有效教学策略的研究:http://www.751com.cn/shengwu/lunwen_24870.html