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时间:2018-09-18 20:34来源:毕业论文
研究不同生防菌剂复配组合对黄瓜霜霉病及黄瓜白粉病的防病及促生效果。在大棚试验中,在第8、15、25 d全部三次处理中,合剂54+HS10+7Ze3对黄瓜霜霉病的生物防治效果超过了30%、对黄瓜

摘要:黄瓜是我国普遍栽培的蔬菜作物,而黄瓜霜霉病和黄瓜白粉病是黄瓜上发生的主要病害,严重时可造成巨大危害甚至绝收,且随着保护地栽培的发展,使这两种病害发生越来越严重。目前黄瓜白粉病、霜霉病的防治主要以化学防治为主,但由于化学农药的长期不合理使用造成了生态环境污染及农药残留等不良影响。因此生物防治越来越受到关注,通过对生防细菌的田间大量筛选,可以筛选出安全有效的生防细菌,为以后的生物农药开发提供基础。本研究旨在研究不同生防菌剂复配组合对黄瓜霜霉病及黄瓜白粉病的防病及促生效果。在大棚试验中,在第8、15、25 d全部三次处理中,合剂54+HS10+7Ze3对黄瓜霜霉病的生物防治效果超过了30%、对黄瓜白粉病的生物防治效果超过了20%。其次为组合54+JC03+7Ze3、54+JC03+SM21。虽未超过经过有机认证的的生物农药“宁盾”,但单菌株可作为潜力菌株进行进一步的筛选。28358
Screening and field experiment of Cucumber Powdery Mildew and Downy Mildew of biocontrol bacteria
Abstract:Cucumber is an important vegetable crop in China, and it is widely cultivated in China. Cucumber downy mildew and powdery mildew of cucumber are the main diseases of cucumber, they can cause serious harm to crops, and with the development of protected cultivation, the two diseases are becoming more and more serious. At present, the prevention and control of cucumber powdery mildew and downy mildew are mainly chemical control, but because of the unreasonable use of chemical pesticides for a long time, the ecological environment pollution and pesticide residues have been affected. Therefore, more and more attention has been paid to biological control. Through the screening of biocontrol bacteria in the field, we can screen out the safe and effective biocontrol bacteria, and provide the basis for the future development of biological pesticides. The purpose of this research is to study the different disease biocontrol agent combination on cucumber downy mildew and powdery mildew of cucumber and growth promoting effect. In the greenhouse experiment, in the eighth, fifth, and twenty-fifth day in all the three treatments, the effect of 54+7Ze3+HS10 on cucumber downy mildew was more than 30%, and the biocontrol effect on cucumber powdery mildew was more than 20%, followed by the combination of 54+JC03+7Ze3, 54+JC03+SM21. Although not more than the organic certified biological pesticide "Ning Dun", but the single bacterium can be potential for further screening.
Key words: cucumber powdery mildew; cucumber downy mildew; microbial pesticide; growth and disease prevention
目  录
摘要    1
关键词    1
Abstract    1
Key words    2
引言    2
1材料与方法    3
1.1 供试菌株和供试植株    4
1.2 生防菌剂的制备    4
1.3 病原菌孢子囊悬浮液制备及鉴定    4
1.3.1 病原菌孢子囊悬浮液制备方法    4
1.3.2霜霉病/白粉病病原菌病原菌的鉴定    4
1.4植物材料培育    4
1.5防病实验    4
1.5.1大棚小区设计    4
1.5.2处理组菌悬液灌根、喷液接种    5
1.5.3病原菌孢子悬浮液接种    5
1.5.4样品采集时间和方法    5
2 结果统计    6
2.1病害调查方法    6
2.1.1 霜霉病病害调查方法    6
2.1.2白粉病病害调查方法    6
2.1.3病害严重度和生防效果统计计算方法    6 黄瓜白粉病霜霉病生防菌株筛选及田间效果评估:http://www.751com.cn/shengwu/lunwen_23158.html