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时间:2018-07-17 21:46来源:毕业论文

Effects of Different Nutrient Solution on the Growth of Potatoes
Abstract: Potatoes’ breeder’s seeding has very important meaning on the whole industry of potatoes, but they are easily be infected by virus. Substrate culture is a effective way to solve this problem. Nutrient solution is a significant element during the production of potatoes’ breeder’s seed. ‘Zhuanxinwu’, a potato species, was used for virus-free potato seeding, and substrate culture had been used while the experiment. The experiment is aim to find a nutrient solution which have benefits on the growth of potatoes’ breeder’s seed. Two different nutrient solutions had been used to plant potatoes’ breeder’s seed. As the result of the comparison between effects of T1 & T2 on the growth of potatoes, T2 was seem to have a outstanding better effects on the content of chlorophyll, starch and morphological index than T1. Potatoes use the nutrient solution which contains more nitrogen, kalium and phosphorus grew better and faster.
Key words: potato; nutrient solution; breeder’s seed
目  录
摘要    1
关键词    1
Abstract    1
Key words    1
引言    1
1 材料与方法    3
1.1 试验材料    3
1.1.1 试验时间、地点    3
1.1.2 马铃薯的栽培条件    3
1.1.3 对扦插苗喷施不同配方营养液    3
1.2 试验方法    3
1.2.1 形态数据测定方法    3
1.2.2 叶绿素含量测定方法    4
1.2.3 淀粉和可溶性糖含量测定方法    4
1.3 数据分析    5
2 结果与分析    5
2.1 营养液中N、P、K含量对马铃薯形态特征的影响    5
2.2 营养液中N、P、K含量对马铃薯叶绿素含量的影响    5
2.3 营养液中N、P、K含量对马铃薯可溶性糖和淀粉含量的影响    6
3 讨论    6
致谢    7
参考文献    7
附录    9
图1 营养液中N、K、P含量对马铃薯成熟期块茎可溶性糖含量的影响    9
图2 营养液中N、K、P含量对马铃薯成熟期块茎淀粉含量的影响    9
表1 不同营养液配方处理的物质含量表(单位:mg/L)    10
表2 营养液中N、K、P含量对马铃薯扦插苗地上部生长和生物量的影响    10
表3 营养液中N、K、P含量对马铃薯扦插苗结薯的影响    10
表4 营养液中N、K、P含量对成熟期叶片光合色素含量的影响    10
    引言 马铃薯是茄科茄属多年生草本块茎植物,起源于南美安底斯山脉,是世界上仅次于玉米、水稻和小麦的第四大粮食作物,同时它也是人们喜食的重要蔬菜之一。目前全世界有146个国家种植,总面积约1800万hm2,主要分布在欧洲和亚洲,主产国是中国、俄罗斯、波兰、印度、美国等。我国是马铃薯种植面积和总产量最大的国家,但单位面积产量水平低,平均为14.55 t/hm2,低于世界平均水平18.00 t/hm2,远低于产量均在40 t/hm2以上的美国、荷兰、瑞士和比利时等国[1]。 营养液中的NPK元素含量对马铃薯生长的影响:http://www.751com.cn/shengwu/lunwen_19719.html