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时间:2018-07-17 20:45来源:毕业论文

The regulatory mechanism of nitrogen and phosphorus uptake efficiency in rice and research progress
Abstract: Nitrogen and phosphorus are essential nutrient elements for rice, and its abundance is directly related to rational scientific fertilization. And nitrogen and phosphorus affect the quality and production of rice. In recent years, the research on the role of nitrogen and phosphorus in plant physiology ecology has been more, In particular, it has been the focus of international research on the supply of nitrogen and phosphorus and plant growth, breathing mechanism and efficiency. Rice grain phosphorus is the main storage form of phytic acid, it is the main resistance of nutrients, affecting the human body and non-ruminant animals such as Ca2 +, Mg 2 +, Fe3 + metal cation absorption. This experiment uses huaidao5, zhengdao 10 rice as the material, respectively with the high, medium,and low nitrogen treatment, measuring the dry matter weight, chlorophyll and other physiological indicators, to resolve plant grain  at different stages(especially grain of the mature stage), the change rule of nitrogen, phosphorus metabolism related components ,clear grain phosphorus accumulation of nitrogen regulation link (transport and metabolism), clarify the nitrogen regulation mechanism of grain phytic acid phosphorus accumulation.
Key words: nitrogen;phosphorus;rice;phytic acid
目  录
摘要    3
关键词    3
Abstract    3
Key words    4
引言    4
1  材料与方法    4
1.1  材料    4
1.1.1  试验材料    4
1.1.2  试验地点    5
1.2  方法    5
1.2.1  试验处理    5
1.2.2  取样方法    5
1.2.2  测定指标与方法    5
2  结果与分析    5
2.1两个水稻品种各器官总磷积累量变化    5
2.2两个水稻品种总磷在各器官中的分配变化    6
2.3两个水稻品种籽粒中总磷和植酸的动态变化    8
3  讨论    10
致谢    11
参考文献    11
水稻是全球近一半人口的主要粮食作物,也是我国的主要粮食作物。水稻一生所吸收的磷主要集中在籽粒中,并以植酸的形式进行储存。在种子发育过程中植酸同蛋白质相结合,以植酸-矿质元素-蛋白三元复合体的形式沉淀在种子中[1]。种子中的植酸含量随着种子的成长不断积累,水稻开花前期籽粒植酸积累急剧增加,后期增加缓慢,在成熟期达到最高水平。成熟稻米中植酸磷占总磷的75%左右[2]。植酸主要储存与水稻的果皮和糊粉层中,这也是米糠和糙米中植酸含量较高的原因[3]。作为一种抗营养物质,植酸影响着人体和反刍动物对Ca2+、Mg2+、Fe3+等金属阳离子的吸收。随着人们对食物品质追求的提升,低植酸食物已经为人们所需。 水稻籽粒植磷酸积累的氮素调节机制研究 :http://www.751com.cn/shengwu/lunwen_19700.html