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时间:2021-06-02 09:42来源:毕业论文

摘  要:海外并购在给企业带来巨大利润的同时,也带来了一定的风险。评价并购是否成功不能仅凭收购行为是否发生,而更应关注收购行为发生后是否给企业带来绩效的提升。文章以中海油并购尼克森为例,运用财务分析法,从盈利能力、营运能力、偿债能力和发展能力四个方面对并购前后的年度和季度财务指标进行分析。研究发现,虽然此次并购是截至2013年中国企业完成的最大一笔海外并购,但是财务指标显示,并购并没有给企业带来明显的绩效提升。因此,不能盲目看待一场并购,评价并购需要对企业前后的财务指标进行分析,以便正确的做出决策。67990


Abstract:Overseas mergers and acquisitions in bring huge profits at the same time, also brought some risks. Evaluate whether M&A success not only by acquisitions, but more should pay attention to whether purchase behavior after the occurrence of ascension brings to the enterprise performance. Articles in CNOOC's acquisition Nixon, for example, financial analysis, from the profit ability, operation ability, debt paying ability and development ability before and after the four aspects of mergers and acquisitions of financial indicators for analysis. Studies have found that although the acquisition was done by the end of 2013 China enterprise biggest overseas mergers and acquisitions, but financial indicators, and merger and acquisition not bring obvious performance improvement. View a merger, therefore, can not blindly, evaluation of mergers and acquisitions need to analyze the financial indicators before and after the enterprise, so that the right decisions.

Key words: M&A, Financial Performance, Financial norm

目  录

1  引言 3

2  财务绩效及企业并购概念概述 3

2.1  财务绩效概念 3

2.2  企业并购概念 4

3  中海油并购尼克森前后的财务绩效分析 4

3.1  盈利能力指标分析 4

3.2  营运能力指标分析 5

3.3  偿债能力指标分析 7

3.4  发展能力指标分析 8

4 提高并购绩效的建议 9

4.1 合理选中并购目标 9

4.2 进行实质性并购 9

4.3 并购后及时整合 10

结  论 11

参 考 文 献 12

致 谢 13

1  引言 


目前,我国的海外并购虽然在数量和交易金额上呈现快速增长,但是并购后的财务绩效并不是很乐观。海外并购给公司绩效带来的影响一直以来都是许多学者们研究的热点话题,而我国对海外并购的研究主要针对并购时忽略了并购财务绩效的分析,因此本文以中海油并购加拿大尼克森为例,运用财务分析方法,从盈利能力、营运能力、偿债能力和发展能力四个方面,来分析并购发生后对企业财务绩效的影响,从而做出正确决策来提高企业的财务绩效。论文网 企业海外并购绩效分析中海油并购加拿大尼克森:http://www.751com.cn/kuaiji/lunwen_76376.html
