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时间:2017-05-22 20:23来源:毕业论文

关键词  内部控制  盈余预测  证券分析师9003
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title   Internal control and securities analysts predict behavior ——An Empirical Study of China's listed companies
Securities analyst of listed companies, served as a bridge of information between investors and listed companies, information intermediaries in capital markets.Comprehensive macroeconomic performanceand macroeconomic policies, industry developments and trends, as well as the business situation of enterprises, the potential and prospects for development, to assess the value of the enterprise. Their study is an important reference for institutional investors to make investment decisions.
The main purpose is to deepen people's understanding of securities analysts, prompted investors to better understand and use the securities analysts' research reports by the China Securities analyst earnings forecast research. Qualitative and quantitative binding and a combination of specification and empirical research methods, Analysis of the effectiveness of internal control on the behavior of securities analysts earnings forecasts, to strengthen the internal control system to improve the environment of securities analysts' forecasts to enhance the Securities analyst surplus forecast levels, and promote the healthy development of China's securities market to provide a basis.
    Keywords  Internal control   earnings forecast   securities analyst
目 次
1  绪论    1
1.1  选题背景    1
1.2  研究思路、方法及论文框架    2
2  相关理论认识    4
2.1  内部控制相关概念    4
2.2  证券分析师相关概念    5
2.3  内部控制与证券分析师预测行为的理论关系与研究假设    6
3  实证研究设计    11
3.1  样本的选取    11
3.2  变量选取    11
3.3  模型的建立    14
4  实证研究    15
4.1  描述性统计    15
4.2  相关性分析    17
4.3  单变量均值分析    17
4.4  多变量回归分析    19
5  结语    20
5.1  研究结论    20
5.2  政策性建议    20
5.3  本文研究局限性及展望    22
致谢    23
参考文献    24
1  绪论
1.1  选题背景
    根据有效市场理论,一个成熟市场对各类信息的反应是非常准确和迅速的,这也是市场理性的一种反映。这样的市场必然要求上市公司提供充分、及时和可靠的信息来源,并有一批专业人士对各种信息加以综合整理、评价分析。证券分析师正是这样的专业人士,证券分析师通常供职于券商、基金、证券咨询机构,他们搜集上市公司的各种数据、信息,运用专业知识进行分析和研究,然后向投资者发布盈余预测和投资建议,在上市公司和投资者之间架起了一座信息沟通的桥梁。概括来讲,证券分析师在现代资本市场扮演着会计信息使用者和提供者的双重角色。 内部控制与证券分析师预测行为:http://www.751com.cn/kuaiji/lunwen_7576.html