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时间:2021-05-25 23:01来源:毕业论文

摘 要:随着我国经济建设的一步步的发展,证券市场的重要性就显得尤其突出。国民经济稳定的基础是证券市场的发展以及正常的运行。而会计信息披露是维护证券市场公开、透明、公正的重要保证,因此研究我国证券市场的会计信息披露问题对维护上市公司的股东、投资者等人的相关利益以及维护国家经济秩序的稳定,具有重要的现实意义。正因于此,本文将会对我国上市公司会计信息披露的发展历程以及现状进行分析,发现会计信息披露存在着失真、披露不及时等问题,并做出针对性的解释,提出了需要健全法人治理结构,加强法制法规、提高会计准则质量,加强会计信息的利用体系的建设、转变监管机构的监管模式等相关建议。67429

毕业论文关键词:上市公司 会计信息披露 证券市场监管

Abstract: With the further deepening of China's economic construction, the importance of the securities market has become increasingly prominent. At the same time, the normal operation of the securities market is the key factor for the stable development of national economy. The accounting information disclosure system is an important guarantee of maintaining securities market open, transparent, fair, stability problems of accounting information disclosure of the securities market of our country economic benefit to the maintenance of stakeholders, the listing Corporation creditors and other groups, and safeguarding national economic order, has the important practical significance. Because of this, this article has carried on China's accounting information disclosure of listing Corporation development, analyzes the status , the disclosure of accounting information distortion, there is not timely disclosure and other issues, make specific explanation, and Put forward to perfect the corporate governance structure, strengthen the legal laws and regulations, improve the quality of accounting standards, strengthen the supervision mode related suggestions such as system construction, change supervision institutions by means of accounting information.

Keywords: Listed Companies; The disclosure of accounting information; Securities market supervision

目 录

1引 言 3

2 证券市场会计信息披露的现状分析 3

3 会计信息披露存在的问题 4

3.1会计信息披露造假严重 4

3.2信息披露不充分 4

3.3会计信息得不到及时披露 5

3.4信息披露不规范 5

4 完善证券市场会计信息披露制度的相关对策 6

4.1健全法人治理结构 6

4.2提高会计准则质量 7

4.3转变监管机构的监管模式 7

4.4诚实守信的社会氛围 8

结 论 10

参 考 文 献 11

致谢 12

1 引 言

证券市场具有有效分配市场的功能,功能发挥作用的基础是需要通过会计信息披露的高效性实现市场资源的合理分配。可靠的信息披露是我国相关证券市场高效运行的保障,我国的证券市场是改革开放和社会zhuyi市场经济体制改革环境下形成的新兴市场,证券市场的发展仍处于起步待改善阶段。随着我国经济的快速发展,证券市场会计信息披露失真、不及时、不规范等一系列问题不断的表现出来。这些负面的问题会导致我国市场资源分配的不合理,严重干扰证券市场应该有的筹集资金优化配置功能,甚至影响经济秩序的稳定。 证券市场会计信息披露现状及对策研究:http://www.751com.cn/kuaiji/lunwen_75627.html
