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时间:2021-03-21 11:11来源:毕业论文

摘 要:我国经济水平与中小企业的发展有非常密切的关系。中小企业的发展极大的推动了我国经济的蓬勃发展,缓解了我国的就业压力。但是当前我国的中小企业在税收方面还存在着较大的问题,仍然有偷税、漏税行为,并且对于税收筹划的概念并不清晰,没有认识到税收筹划工作的重要性。本文通过对中小企业税收筹划相关理论的研究,分析当前我国中小企业适合开展税收筹划的问题,并对存在的问题提出了相应的解决对策。64639


Abstract: The development of China's economy  have a very close relationship with SMEs. Small and medium enterprises for China's economic development has played a great role in promoting not only led to the economic development, but also to provide a large number of jobs. However, SMEs in China's current taxation, there are still major problems, there are still tax evasion behavior and the concept of tax planning is not clear, do not realize the importance of tax planning work. In this paper, through the study of the theory of the SME tax planning, tax planning for SMEs to further deepen understanding and learn a few aspects of the theoretical basis for the current Chinese SMEs to carry out tax planning work and analysis of the current work of the SME tax planning The reason it is difficult to carry out in several aspects, and deal with the problems developed corresponding solutions,  showinging the guidance for the extensive work of SME tax planning.

   Key words: Tax Planning,SMEs, perfect

 目    录

1引言 4

2税收筹划基本涵义 4

2.1税收筹划的概念与特征 4

2.2税收筹划遵循的原则 5

2.3中小企业进行税收筹划的意义 6

3中小企业税收筹划政策依据 6

4税收筹划存在问题 7

4.1观念意识落后 7

4.2税收筹划的目标比较单一 7

4.3税收筹划方法选择不当 7

4.4缺乏专业的人才 8

4.5税收政策变化存在风险 8

4.6税务执行不规范带来的风险 8

5完善税收筹划的对策与建议 8

5.1树立正确的税收筹划观念 8

5.2确立多元化税收筹划的目标 9

5.3加强企业税筹划方法的研究 9

5.4促进专业人才的培养 9

5.5关注税收政策的变化 10

5.6营造良好的税企关系 10

结  论 10

参考文献 13

致  谢 15



自中小企业诞生以来,中小企纳税是天经地义的事情,中小企业缴纳税款对我国的经济、民生等都有重要的影响。国家制定出台的税收政策不仅会影响企业的日常经营也会对企业的决策产生重大影响,在企业的发展过程中,税收政策有着非常重要的影响。不仅如此,在管理企业的内部财务中,税收也有着十分重要的地位,是企业经济管理活动中重要组成之一。企业纳税不仅充分体现了其强烈社会责任感,对企业的可持续发展也有十分重要的促进作用。所以纳税筹划对于企业的发展非常重要,不仅如此,纳税筹划也是学术界中比较热的研究焦点。 中小企业税收筹划存在问题及解决对策:http://www.751com.cn/kuaiji/lunwen_71932.html
