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时间:2021-01-26 21:10来源:毕业论文



Abstract: M&A, as a product of the development of market economy, has become a very important economic phenomenon in international investment, especially in multinational enterprises. This paper takes Holland Royal Shell acquisition of British Gas Group as an example, give some analysis on the risks and opportunities that exist in the process of the merger. First, this paper analyzes the reasons for mergers and acquisitions of Multinational Corporation, on this basis, combined with the Holland Royal Shell takeover of British Gas Group, further analysis of existing problems in transnational mergers and acquisitions, and finally puts forward countermeasures and suggestions to improve the enterprise cross-border mergers and acquisitions to solve these problems, and hope that through the analysis of Holland Royal Shell acquisition of British Gas Group, some enlightenment to the implementation of cross-border mergers and acquisitions of Chinese enterprises, which makes our enterprises bigger and stronger, better adapt to the development of economic globalization.

Keywords: mergers and acquisitions, shell, bg group 

1  引言 3

2  跨国企业并购概述 3

2.1  跨国企业并购的概念及特点 3

2.2  跨国企业并购的类型 3

2.3  跨国企业并购的理论基础 5

3  企业现行跨国并购中的存在的问题 5

3.1  确立并购目标的不明确 5

3.2  政治法律风险 6

3.3  财务风险 6

3.4  管理层的随意性 6

3.5 整合风险 6

3.6  缺乏国际性人才 7

4  荷兰皇家壳牌收购英国天然气集团案例分析 7

4.1  并购双方公司介绍 7

4.2  为何选择收购英国天然气集团 7

4.3  并购融资支付方式 8

4.4  并购的意义 8

4.5  并购所面临的风险 9

5  改进企业跨国并购策略的建议 10

5.1  制定收购符合企业自身发展的战略 10

5.2  建立健全跨国并购相关法律体系 10

5.3  采用具有国际并购特点的支付方式 10

5.4  加强企业内部监督 跨国企业并购研究荷兰皇家壳牌收购英国天然气集团:http://www.751com.cn/kuaiji/lunwen_68987.html
