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时间:2020-11-11 17:39来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:电影院, 团购, 税收制度, 纳税争议

Abstract: With the development of the social material life, cultural life is developing as well.  Convenient consumption channel with material benefit is getting more and more popular in the rapid pace of life. Groupon, as a new developing e-business mode, enables people to buy in group, enhances customers’ ability to negotiate prices and makes it possible for the consumers to get a lower price. However, with the popularize of the groupon, there are more and more problems can be seen. Especially in the movie groupon, there are several problems such as not invoice in a right way and the uncertainty of the prices of the movie tickets. All these problems lead to the difficulty in the rate paying process as well as the lack of standardization. This thesis pays attention to the development of the film tickets groupon and takes an example of the Lumiere Pavilions movie theater near the Huaiyin Normal University to analysis the problems about tax paying process and gives some advices.

Keywords: movie theater, groupon, the tax system, tax argument

1  引 言 3

1.1  影院团购现状 3

1.2  电影院的纳税规定 4

2  卢米埃淮安新亚影城团购业务介绍 5

3  卢米埃淮安新亚影城团购业务纳税过程中存在的问题 5

3.1  团购发票开具存在问题 5

3.2  团购收入的应纳税税率混淆 7

3.3  行业监管缺失 8

4  问题产生的原因 8

4.1  消费者维权监督意识薄弱 8

4.2  国家相关税收法律空白滞后 9

4.3  团购尚未建立完善的行业监管体系 9

5  针对团购业务的税收改进措施 10

5.1  普及税法知识,增强依法纳税意识 10

5.2  与时俱进完善相关的法规 11

5.3  完善团购行业规范 12

结 论 13

参考文献 14

致 谢 15

附 录 16

1  引 言

    中国在改革开放后取得的经济成果有目共睹,人民物质生活水平不断提高,文化休闲生活水平也随之不断改善。影院业在政府推出的政策利好之下发展出了百花争鸣的新格局,不同功能类型的电影院在城市的各个角落开业,大大丰富了消费者的选择。但是动辄80、90甚至120元一张的电影票,对于普通消费者来说,始终价格太高不能作为日朝消遣轻易消费。好在随着影院数量的不断增加,影院间的竞争也日渐激烈,为了吸引消费,许多影院纷纷选择与团购网站进行合作,以更低的价格在团购网站上出售电影票兑换券来吸引消费者观影。然而这种合作模式在给与消费者实惠并为影院带来人气的同时,也加大了政府对电影院的税收征管的难度。 电影院团购业务的纳税影响:http://www.751com.cn/kuaiji/lunwen_64600.html
