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时间:2020-09-27 21:23来源:毕业论文



Construction of enterprise accounting integrity

Abstract:since reform and opening-up,enterprise accounting is playing an increasingly important part with the continuous development of the socialist market economy. Enterprise related decisions can not be separated from the integrity and correctness of accounting information . Meanwhile, the related decision of the stakeholders of the enterprise depends on the real and complete accounting information. In a manner of speaking ,accounting has become the foundation of enterprise management. However,in the imperfect legal system and imperfect market economy rules, the enterprise accounting caused the integrity crisis. Accounting fraud, accounting information distortion is a common occurrence. Integrity is our basic moral inpidual,for the enterprise, integrity should have an unshakable position. However,when enterprises are faced with the temptation of many interests, the accounting integrity of the behavior is not necessarily the conscious behavior of enterprises .Based on the analysis of the lack of accounting integrity, this paper puts forward some countermeasures to strengthen the construction of accounting integrity. 

Key words: enterprise;accounting integrity; integrity construction; measures

 目 录

一、引言 1

(一) 问题的提出 1

(二) 研究的意义 1

1、 有利于提高企业会计人员从业素质 1

2、 有利于完善市场经济体制和机制 1

3、 有利于构建社会主义和谐社会 1

二、诚信的概述 3

(一) 广义诚信概述 3

(二) 会计诚信概述 4

三、企业诚信缺失的现状和原因 5

(一) 企业诚信缺失的现状 5

(二) 企业诚信缺失的原因 6

1、 利益驱动 7

2、 监控缺失 7

3、 信息不对称 7

4、 大环境诚信缺失 8

四、 企业会计诚信建设的措施 9

(一) 加大企业诚信宣传力度 9

(二) 提升企业会计人员职业道德 9

(三) 建立并健全企业会计相关法律法规 9

(四) 加大违信成本,强化问责制度 论企业会计诚信建设:http://www.751com.cn/kuaiji/lunwen_61944.html
