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时间:2020-08-30 20:12来源:毕业论文

摘  要:企业从事生产经营活动最重要的目标就是实现企业利润最大化并维持自身的发展,所以企业的盈利能力受到各方面利益相关者的广泛关注;对企业盈利能力的分析,也就受到管理者、投资者、债权人的高度关注。通过对企业盈利能力的分析,可以确定企业经营业绩的水平,帮助投资者和债权人做出准确的判断和选择,可以发现企业在经营管理中存在的问题。本文选取家电零售企业代表之一的苏宁云商集团股份有限公司作为研究对象,对其2010—2013年连续4年的财务数据进行研究,通过分析利润表中的数据,对其盈利能力做出正确评价,并提出相关建议。55276


Abstract: Enterprises engaged in production and business operation activities of the most important goal is to maximize profits and maintain its own development. So the corporate profitability has attracted widespread concern of all stakeholders and analysis of it has also attracted very important concern of managers, investors and creditors. Through the analysis of corporate profitability, it can determine the level of enterprise operating performance, help investors and creditors make accurate judgment and choices. And the problems existing in the management of enterprises can be found, so that the enterprise will operate better.TThis article selects one of home appliance retail business representative SUNING COMMERCE GROUP CO., LTD. as the research object with its 2010-2013 for four consecutive years of financial data as the research object, through the analysis of related indicators, making correct evaluation to its profitability, and puts forward related suggestions.

Keyword:the income statement,profitability,home appliance retail enterprises,earnings per share

目  录

1  引言 4

2  盈利能力分析概述 4

2.1  盈利能力分析 4

2.2  苏宁云商简介 4

3  苏宁云商盈利能力现状 5

3.1  行业现状 5

3.2  利润表水平分析 5

3.3  利润表垂直分析 7

3.4  盈利指标分析 8

4  苏宁云商盈利能力方面存在的问题及原因 14

4.1  苏宁云商存在的问题 14

4.2  导致苏宁云商盈利能力存在问题的原因 15

5  苏宁云商提高盈利能力的对策 16

5.1  增加营业收入方面 16

5.2  降低成本费用方面 16

结论 18

参考文献 19

致谢 20

1  引言


为了引导和促使企业搞好主业,真正提高企业经营业绩,应当对当前的衡量企业盈利能力标准进行改革或加以完善。改变当前仅以“利润”单一指标衡量的方法,采用多指标衡量的方法,对公司的盈利能力做出综合的分析和评价。 苏宁云商基于利润表的家电零售企业盈利能力问题研究:http://www.751com.cn/kuaiji/lunwen_59562.html
