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时间:2020-05-19 20:40来源:毕业论文

摘要:近年来我国的互联网信息产业成长迅速。但由于互联网信息业是有别于传统产业的一个新兴的技术密集型产业,所以国内外研究者对其资本结构的研究并没有一个特别显著的成果。互联网信息业的高投入、收益周期长、无实物等特点决定了不能用传统行业资本结构研究方法来对它进行总结。同时各国宏观经济、政府政策以及市场的差异性使得实证研究的结果与传统理论有可能并不一致甚至相反。所以对互联网信息产业资本结构的研究应该充分考虑到我国的实际情况,得出一个相对全面地结论,并对进一步优化其资本结构提出建议。本文选取我国境内上市的互联网信息技术公司为样本, 运用经济学的知识,采用实证分析的研究方法,对互联网信息业上市公司的资本结构影响因素进行了分析。选取盈利能力、公司规模、股权结构、公司成长性等变量建立数学模型。研究发现,当前互联网信息业的资本结构还需优化,资产负债率较低,影响因素有一定的波动性。最后提出了优化互联网信息业上市公司资本结构的一些建议。49196


Empirical Research into the Influencing Factoes on the Capital Structure of the Internet Industry

ABSTRACT:In recent years, the rapid development of China's Internet information industry. But because the Internet information industry is different from the traditional industry, a new technology intensive industry, so the domestic and foreign researchers have not a particularly significant research on the capital structure. With the rapid development of the Internet information industry, many different from the traditional industry problems are slowly exposed. At the same time, the differences between the macro economy, the government policy and the market make the result of the empirical research and the traditional theory may not be the same or even the contrary. So the research on the capital structure of the Internet information industry should give full consideration to the actual situation of our country, draw a relatively comprehensive conclusion, and put forward suggestions to further optimize its capital structure. This paper selects China listed Internet information technology companies as a sample, using economics knowledge, the research methods of empirical analysis, of Internet information industry listed company's capital structure influencing factors were analyzed. A mathematical model was established for the selection of variables such as profitability, company size, ownership structure and firm growth. The study found that the current capital structure of the Internet information industry needs to be optimized, the asset liability ratio is low, the impact factor has a certain volatility. Finally put forward some suggestions to optimize the capital structure of listing Corporation in Internet information industry.

Key Words: Internet Industry ; capital structure; Profitability 

 目   录





(一)研究背景 1

(二)研究意义 1

(三)研究内容与结构 2

二、文献综述 4

(一)资本结构的理论基础 4

(二)国内外资本结构研究综述 6

三、我国互联网行业的现状与资本结构分析 8

(一)互联网行业的现状 8

(二)宏观因素下互联网信息业资本结构影响因素分析 我国互联网信息业上市公司资本结构影响因素实证研究:http://www.751com.cn/kuaiji/lunwen_52120.html
