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时间:2019-06-01 20:55来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词: 资产重组;资产评估;企业风险;财务整合
 The accounting problems in asset reorganization
Abstract:To safeguard the smooth progress of enterprise reform and promote the establishment of modern enterprise system, financial practices of corporate assets restructuring, the theoretical and practical issues should be research and solute as early as possible to regulate the reorganization of assets of enterprises in the practical work of the Finance and Accounting, Maintaining market in order.
The financial accounting of assets restructuring mainly in four aspects :the financial problems of preliminary investigation ;the financial problems during the assessment process; when develop negotiating agreements ;the financial issues after mergers and acquisitions .This paper analysis the basic framework of the assets reorganization, based on exploring the concept of asset restructuring of enterprise system, then explain the financial and accounting problems of asset reorganization, put forward a proposal corresponding the problem ,to enhance the ability of found and solve problems, To gradually improve the system of asset reorganization to ensure sustained and healthy development of enterprises.
Key Words:Asset restructuring; Asset valuation ; Enterprise risk; Financial integration
目  录
一、引言    5
二、资产重组概述    5
(一)资产重组的定义    5
(二)资产重组的内容    6
三、企业资产重组各环节的财务会计问题    6
(一)企业合并收购环节    7
(二)谈判之前的资产评估环节    7
(三)拟定合并收购价格的环节    9
(四)完成合并收购后的后环节    10
四、改进企业资产重组中财务会计问题的建议    11
(一)完善相关的法律和规章制度    11
(二)积极学习发达国家的相关理论和经验    12
(三)重视专业人员的培养    12
(四)重点关注针对重新组合后的企业财务的监管和运营问题    12
五、总体概述    13
致谢    14
参考文献    15
西方的一些发达国家的集团和企业在重新整合本公司资产的时候,是在全面的分析和估计获得利益的双方的试剂的财产和资产的情况的基础之上,根据符合市场经济发展的规章和制度来将财产从一个地方转移到另一个地方的行为,这种行为的最终目的是使得重新整合的总体中的各个个体都享有利益和绩效成果。目前,我国对于企业的重新整合、合并和购买以及企业财产的重新整合的基础理论都是从西方的一些发达国家借鉴而来的,因此,这其中很多的规章和条例是不符合我国发展的实际的国情的。 企业资产重组中的会计问题研究:http://www.751com.cn/kuaiji/lunwen_34084.html