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时间:2019-04-26 21:30来源:毕业论文

The manipulation of profit and its prevention based on the perspective of income tax
Abstract: Since China opened up its market, the group of enterprises of small and medium-sized enterprises in our country has gradually grown up. They contributed a lot of wealth to China's GDP, and promote the development of China's economy, so they are a necessary component of market. But with the continuous development of the market economy in our country, the enterprises for the purpose of profit will face more intense competition. Enterprises in the premise of survival grasp the initiative actively, striving to get a leading position in such a fierce competitive environment. However, the foundation of small and medium-sized enterprises is relatively weak, and their legal concept is not strong, or the ability of prevention is poor, so many of the company's financial statements that under the management of instruction began distortion and try to conceal the true information of enterprises in such an environment. In addition, the manipulation of profit, which beginning to destroy the normal order of market and hinder the healthy development of enterprises, is very unfavorable to the development of the whole society. Therefore, the research of the manipulation of profit, especially the research on the causes and countermeasures is particularly important. Only by understanding the motivation of enterprises, can the country take effective countermeasures and restore the healthy and fair development of enterprises and the society as soon as possible. In this paper, firstly, we introduce the reasons and means of the manipulation of profit, then use a case of Xuzhou real estate to prove some means of this behavior, finally, we will give some countermeasures to prevent it.
Key Words:profit manipulation, enterprise, countermeasure
企业除了能够为社会带来商品和服务,获得利益之外,还能最大程度的创造社会价值。自从利润被国家列为衡量企业业绩能力大小的重要指标之后,中小企业就为了这个数字争相扩大生产,企图抢先占领市场;还有些企业直接在数据上动脑筋,采取不正当的手段,运用自己获取信息的优势,有针对性的对会计政策加以比较选择,以使自己的报表变得更加可观,或者隐藏起更多的利润少缴税收。于是利润操纵在主观和客观环境下应运而生,逐渐发展。在2012年徐州市税务机关的统计数据中发现,2011年徐州地区企业的操纵利润面在数量上达到40.81%,而且几乎各种类型的企业都有被涉及到。其中,中外合资类型的企业中有利润操纵行为的,占同行业数量的48.19%;有限责任公司是操纵利润金额最大的,高达33503.52万元。问题企业数量较低的为国有企业23家和(港澳台商)独资经营公司19家。这些数据表明,利润操纵现象在我国已经很普遍了,涉及的范围也较广,这种现象对国家和社会的发展是非常不利的。为了进一步文护社会平衡,保护中小企业的正常发展,给中小企业创造良好的发展与竞争环境,对利润操纵行为的研究和遏制是非常迫切和非常有必要的。 基于所得税视角的利润操纵及其防范:http://www.751com.cn/kuaiji/lunwen_32573.html