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时间:2019-03-30 22:02来源:毕业论文

Cash Management——A case study of ZTE
Abstract: In the market economy, only profits is enterprises' basis of survival and growth. Meanwhile, enterprises' profitability depends largely on the cash flow position and cash flow management. Because all the production activities of enterprises can be seen as a certain amount of money from the capital to join in and from production into commodities, then after re-sale to a certain amount of monetary funds flowing back to. This article will discuss the  status of cash flow management of ZTE Corporation (“ZTE”) 2012-2014 through a series of cash flow indicators, evaluate its finance performance, point out its effectiveness and ineffectiveness and make feasible suggestions.
This article mainly analyzes from the following parts:Firstly,explain the concept of cash flow, its superiority on financial evaluation, indicators description mentioned in this article and its framework in the introduction. Secondly, analyze the cash flow of ZTE, including its cash flow statement, capital structure, solvency, ability to pay debt and operating capacity. Thirdly, elaborate the shortcomings of ZTE’s cash flow management and its suggestions. Finally, conclude the enterprise must draw attention to cash flow management.
Key Words: Cash flow management;Cash flow indicators;Financial evaluation
目  录
(一)现金流指标在财务评价方面的优越性 2
二、中兴通讯的现金流分析  6
三、中兴通讯现金流管理状况总结 15
四、中兴通讯现金流管理存在的问题 17
(一) 现金流结构缺陷 17
(二)盈利能力缺陷 17
(三)经营风险缺陷 17
五、中兴通讯现金流管理建议 19
(一) 加强企业管理人员现金流管理意识 19
(二)建立现金流动性管理体制 19
(三)提高现金安全性管理 20
结论 22
致谢 23
参考文献 24
绪  论
在企业内,现金及现金等价物在一段时间里流入和流出形成的流量就是现金流。企业销售商品、提供劳务等活动会引起现金流入企业,从而获得现金;而购买原材料、接受劳务等活动会引起现金从企业内部流出到外部。企业一定时期间内产生的现金流按照企业经营业务的性质可以将之总结为三类,即经营活动产生的现金流、投资活动产生的现金流和筹资活动产生的现金流。企业投资活动和筹资活动以外的所有交易和事项的活动中产生的现金流就归属于经营活动;所谓投资活动产生的现金流就是不包括在现金等价物范围内的投资及其处置活动中产生的以及长期资产的购建形成的现金流;如果某段时间内的现金流引起企业的资本及债务结构和规模等发生了改变,那么这是属于筹资活动产生的现金流。利用现金流指标,我们可以横向纵向地来评价企业的经营状况。 中兴通讯企业现金流管理:http://www.751com.cn/kuaiji/lunwen_31432.html