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时间:2018-11-10 09:33来源:毕业论文
采用了实证的分析方法,利用SPSS Statistics 19.0统计软件以及行业数据库,采用描述性统计和多元线性回归,选取CPA占比,年龄结构,学历水平以及人才培养金额作为替代变量衡量人力资本

在相关的文献梳理与总结的基础上,本文首先探究了人力资本与企业绩效的理论基础,随后深入分析我国会计师事务所行业现状以及会计师事务所人力资本特征,最后,本文采用了实证的分析方法,利用SPSS Statistics 19.0统计软件以及行业数据库,采用描述性统计和多元线性回归,选取CPA占比,年龄结构,学历水平以及人才培养金额作为替代变量衡量人力资本对经营绩效的影响,并对一些影响事务所绩效的因素作为控制变量加以控制,并得出以下结论:CPA占比与企业经营绩效呈负相关,人才培养支出,员工学历水平与经营绩效呈正相关。30076
关键词   会计师事务所  人力资本  经营绩效
Title    The Influence of Human Capital on Accounting Firms’ Performance    
In the last few decades, CPA industry developed rapidly in China , many influential accounting firms emerged. There are numerous firms joined in international accounting networks . However, compared with the international BIG FOUR ,some obvious gap in operation performance still existed . The accounting firms belong to the human capital-intensive enterprises, relying on CPA’s proficiency in accounting, auditing, tax and advisory. Nowadays, we must focus on human capital as the most valuable resource, then we can achieve high performance.
Based on the related theory and former studies, first a theoretic basis be built firstly to support our research.Then we analyzed the features of Chinese CPA industry.Last,we made a empirical analysis of the relationship between human capital and operational performance.The result is that there are a negative correlation between CPA percentage and operational performance a positive correlation between human development expenditure and operational performance and a positive correlation between education and operational performance.
Keywords   CPA  human capital  accounting firm  performance
目 次
1  绪论    1
1.1  研究背景    1
1.2  研究意义    1
1.3  文献综述    2
2  人力资本和企业绩效的相关理论    4
2.1  人力资本论经济学溯源    4
2.2  人力资本的定义和特征    5
2.3 会计师事务所人力资本特点    5
2.4  绩效的含义以及特征    6
3  注册会计师行业分析    7
3.1  组织结构    7
3.2 业务分类    8
3.3  加入国际会计网络情况    8
4  研究设计    9
4.1  研究假设    9
4.2  变量设计及模型构建    11
4.3  数据来源及样本选择    11
5  实证结果分析    11
5.1  描述性统计    11
5.2  相关性分析    12
5.3  多元线性回归    13
5.4  实证总结及建议    13
结论    15
致谢    16
参考文献    17
1  绪论 会计师事务所人力资本对经营绩效的影响:http://www.751com.cn/kuaiji/lunwen_25605.html