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时间:2018-08-28 18:25来源:毕业论文

关键词  潜在风险  审计定价  影响  
Title      Research on the potential risks of the listed   companies impact audit pricing            
Empirical Study of audit pricing has been a focal point of the study of audit. Early as the late the 1970s, scholars in western developed countries started to study the audit pricing on the use of empirical method. In China Securities Regulatory Committee in 2001 issued pay compensation and disclosure of accounting firms。So domestic scholars began to make empirical research of audit pricing after 2002. The greater the potential risks of enterprises is, the more there are enterprise managers have the financial statements fraud motivation.
The risk of material misstatement of the financial statements is greater, so the CPA will consume more audit resources in the formulation and implementation process of audit procedures, thus affecting the audit pricing. Combining with related literature on regarding audit pricing and potential risks of listed companies as a starting point, this paper will learn the theory and methods of previous studies and collect data of listed companies, in order to make the potential risks empirical study of the potential risks of the listed companies impact audit pricing and put forward the suggestion to formulate reasonable standard of audit fees.
Keywords  the potential risk   audit pricing  influence
目   次
1  绪论    1
1.1  研究背景    1
1.2  研究意义    2
1.3  研究思路与框架    2
2  相关概述    4
2.1  潜在风险的相关概述    4
2.2  审计定价的相关概述    5
3  上市公司潜在风险对审计定价影响理论分析与研究假设    8
3.1  上市公司经营风险对审计定价影响    8
3.2  上市公司财务风险对审计定价影响    9
4  上市公司潜在风险对审计定价影响实证研究设计    11
4.1  样本选取与数据来源    11
4.2  变量设置    11
4.3  模型建立    13
5  上市公司潜在风险对审计定价影响实证结果与分析    14
5.1  描述性统计    14
5.2  相关性分析    15
5.3  多元线性回归分析    17
6  研究结论与相关建议    20
6.1  研究结论    20
6.2  相关建议    20
致谢    22
参考文献    23
1  绪论
1.1  研究背景
随着改革开放的深入,审计活动已经成为文护资本市场良好运转必不可少的条件。审计之所以拥有这么大的“魔力”,最主要意义是在正常的审计程序之下,出具的审计意见可以让投资者理解到企业目前真实的运营状况,给他们提供一个可靠的参考。事务所若出具标准无保留意见,可以更好证明企业运营良好,增强投资者的信心,营造良好的市场氛围。 上市公司潜在风险对审计定价的影响研究:http://www.751com.cn/kuaiji/lunwen_22055.html