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时间:2018-05-14 09:17来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词: 中小企业  成本控制  现状  对策
The small and medium-sized enterprise cost control
Abstract:SMEs have become increasingly evident in society because of the economic development of China.
SMEs in China need to establish better cost management system as a mainstay of the market economy's competitiveness in order to implement better cost control, raise the staff awareness of cost savings, reduce wastes, and reduce costs. It has important significance in maximizing corporate profits, improving the market competitiveness of enterprises, and promote sustainable development.
This paper provides the in-depth analysis of the existing cost control problems in China's SMEs. There are some major problems that the cost management is philosophy behind, the quality of the staff is not high, and the business costs of enterprises keep rising, the cost management is improper, the cost control is short of social concepts, the cost control of enterprise products remains in the post-stage.
I resolve these issues in-depth, and I think our cost control should be improved by according to these following points that the cost consciousness should be enhanced, the method of cost control should be improved, the cost management system needs to be built, and the cost performance concept should be established, the cost of human resources should be controlled, the corporate culture needs to be established, administrative expenses should be compressed at last.
KeyWords :Small and medium sized enterprises;Cost control;The status quo;
 目     录
一、绪论 1
(一)成本控制的含义 1
(二)成本控制的意义 1
(三)成本控制的方法 2
二、我国中小企业成本控制的现状     2
    1.土地成本上涨 3
2.原材料成本上涨 3
(三)成本管理方法不当 4
(四)企业成本控制缺乏社会观念 5
三、加强我国中小企业成本控制的建议 6
(一)增强成本意识 6
(二)改进成本控制方法 7
(三)构建成本管理体制 8
(四)建立成本效益观念 9
(五)控制人力资源成本 9
(751)建立企业文化 10
(七)压缩行政开支 10
四、结  论10
    致 谢 12
一、绪  论
(一) 成本控制的含义
成本控制指的是按照公司管理成本的计划,有成本控制职权的管理者在其职权内,通过对比一般成本、固定成本和成本预算等计划指标来核算企业实际发生的费用和成本,并通过专门的方法进行严格计算、调节、监督、指导,分析成本管理计划的执行情况,并及时发现毛病,找出原因,采取相应的措施,把各个成本项目控制在一定范围内,使企业成本计划目标得以实现。狭义的产品成本控制又被称为“日常成本控制”或“事中成本控制”。 论中小企业成本控制+文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/kuaiji/lunwen_15722.html