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时间:2018-04-22 22:31来源:毕业论文

Effect of carbon tariffs on Trade and investment and Countermeasures
Abstract:.Carbon tariff is one of the focus in international trade field of most concern, its connotation is the carbon emissions of imported products production process emissions fee for collection basis. Carbon tariff excessive reinforcement can be traced back to the European Union put forward the concept of the carbon tariffs, and America house at the end of 2009 6 through the levy import products "border tax" bill, be regarded as the first carbon tariff implementation of the specific time and rules are in the form of legal arrangements. With China as the representative of the developing countries clearly put forward, of carbon tariffs is under the guise of environmental problems and new trade protection, in violation of the rules of the world trade organization, and then launched a fierce confrontation between developed countries and developing countries about carbon tariff issues.This paper is in such a macro background, domestic and international, from two different angles, depth analysis of carbon tariffs on China economy as well as the influence of import and export trade, and puts forward the corresponding solving strategies
Key words:Carbon tariff; export trade; Barrier to trade
一 、绪论    1
(一)研究背景    1
(二)研究目的及意义    1
(三)研究现状分析    2
二、碳关税核心概念与理论基础    4
(一)碳关税的内涵与外延    4
(二)碳关税的本质    4
(三)碳关税征收的原因    5
三、碳关税对我国贸易投资积极影响    7
(一)从环境的角度看    7
(二)从政策的角度看:    10
(三)从政策的角度看:    11
(四)从行业的角度看:    12
四、碳关税对我国贸易投资消极影响    15
(一)从国家层面来讲    15
(二)从贸易环境来说    15
(三)从产业角度讨论    17
五、我国应对碳关税的建议    19
(一)根据WTO的相关规定否定碳关税的合理性    19
(二)积极参与国际谈判    19
(三)完善我国碳交易市场建设    20
(四)争取碳交易定价权    21
(五)发展“碳管理”整合产业链    22
(751)禁止高碳产业从发达国家向我国转移    22
总结    22
致谢    23
参考文献    24
一 、绪论
美国准备在2020年开始向发展中国家进口商品开征碳关税,与此同时法国也宣布从2010年初开始对环保法律不达欧盟标准的发展中国家的进口品征收碳关税。但是,早在2009年7月下旬举行的欧盟成员国环境部长非正式会议上,与会各国明确否决了法国有关碳关税的提议。德国代表认为,开征碳关税是一个新的“生态帝国主义”的形式,此举可能会发出错误的信息。欧盟各国的反对在很大程度上延阻了法国碳关税政策的彻底落实。 碳关税对我国贸易投资的影响及应对建议:http://www.751com.cn/kuaiji/lunwen_13929.html