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时间:2017-06-10 20:55来源:毕业论文

关键词: 自动化设计;铆接装配机;旋转工作台。
 Automatic riveting assembly machine design
Abstract:  The graduation project is the automatic riveting assembly machine, the goal is to learn through their own pneumatic technology and electrical programmable control technology, to understand the principle of automatic riveting equipment, design an automatic riveting assembly machine. The product is automotive parts, from the lower bearing, currently composed of jade and movement. Automated processes designed rotary working bodies. That is designed to disc rotating mechanism for rotating circle riveted by step. Table is pided into two layers, the core work of round table to rotate, while the robot to a Fixed work surface by rotating the rotary table, the mechanical hand riveted. Disc rotating mechanism by the DS mandrel splitter, active motor, large diameter cross roller bearings, linkage plate, rotating disk and various parts of fasteners, connectors components. In this paper, riveting assembly machines for the overall layout of the automated processes and work round table conducted programming. Pressure system developed for the main components for the design calculations and structural characteristics of the main components are analyzed and elaborated.
Key words:Automated design; riveting assembly machine; rotary table.
1绪论    1
  1.1 课题来源及研究意义    1
1.1.1 课题介绍    1
1.1.2 选题背景    1
1.1.3 课题研究的意义    2
1.2 自动化设备的发展趋势    2
1.2.1 国内外自动化设备的发展历史    2
1.2.2 国内外自动化设备的最新动态    3
2自动铆接装配机的设计依据    4
  2.1 课题介绍    4
2.1.1 产品介绍    4
2.1.2 课题简介    4
2.1.3 设计要点总结    5
2.2 设备组成    5
  2.2.1 机械装置    5
  2.2.2 传动装置    6
2.3 主要参数    6
  2.2.1 运行环境    6
  2.2.1 动力输出    6
  2.2.2 测试动力输出    6
3自动铆接装配机的方案拟定    7
3.1 自动化流程方案拟定    7
3.3.1 工作台运动方式的方案拟定    7
3.3.2 工作台机构运作方式方案拟定    7
3.2 全自动工作方案的拟定    7
3.3 总体布局的方案拟定    9
  3.4 工作圆台的方案拟定    11
4自动铆接装配机的设计计算    12
4.1 工作圆台的设计计算    12
4.1.1 电动机和DS心轴分割器的计算    12
4.1.2 轴承的计算    14 自动铆接装配机的设计+CAD图纸:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_9009.html