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时间:2021-08-01 17:21来源:毕业论文

摘要磁强计是测量磁感应强度的仪器。它是根据小磁针在磁场作用下能产生偏转 或振动的原理制成的。根据电磁感应定律可以推出,对于给定的电阻 R 的闭合回 路来说,只要测出流经此回路的电荷 Q,就可以知道此回路内磁通量的变化。这 也就是磁强计的设计原理,用途之一是用来探测地磁场的变化。70146

本文首先介绍了国内外磁强计及其展开机构的的发展现状。然后介绍了可自 锁展开机构的设计与分析,这套机构可以将磁强计定向地放置在离立方体卫星规 定的距离上。运用三维软件 CATIA 进行了建模,建模完成后将其导入 ADAMS 进行 了运动仿真分析及其受力分析,最后在受力分析的基础上对某些冲击较大的零件 进行了 ANSYS 的应力及应变分析。

毕业论文关键词 磁强计 自锁 展开机构 运动仿真 ANSYS 受力分析

Title   The Design and Manufacture of Deployable Structure for

Cubsat Magnetometer


The magnetometer is designed to measure magnetic field intensity .It is made according to such a principle that a small needle will spin or shake in the magnetic field. According to the law of  electromagnetic  induction ,for a closed loop of a given resistance R ,changes of magnetic flux within this loop can be worked out as long as measuring the charge Q through this loop .This is the principle of magnetometers, which can be used to detect the changes of the geomagnetic field.

This paper introduces the present development status of the magnetometer and its deployable structure home and abroad. And then the design and analysis are introduced .This mechanism can place the magnetometer on a predetermined distance from the Cubesat .Next it is modeled by three-dimensional software CATIA and the model was imported into ADAMS to be tested. Finally, the stress and strain analysis of ANSYS are mdae on some parts which are hit further.

Keywords Magnetometer 、 Self-lock 、 Deployable structure 、 Motion Simulation、ANSYS analysis



1 引言 1

1.1 课题研究背景 1

1.1.1 立方体微纳卫星 1

1.1.2 欧盟 QB50 项目 2

1.2 磁强计及其可展开机构模块概述 4

1.2.1 磁强计概述 4

1.2.2 磁强计的展开机构 5

1.3 课题研究内容 6

2 磁强计结构设计 7

2.1 零件功用的介绍 7

2.1.1 零件 7

2.1.2 零件功用及设计要求 7

2.2 重点零件的设计思路说明及材料的初步选择 9

2.2.1 重点零件的设计思路 9

2.3 弹簧的设计与选型 14

2.3.1 圆柱螺旋压缩弹簧 14

2.3.2 圆柱螺旋扭转弹簧 15

2.4 基于 CATIA 模拟包络线及干涉碰撞分析的优化 17

2.4.1 扫掠包络体 17

2.4.2 空间分析干涉碰撞 18

3 运动学仿真及静力学分析 Adams+CATIA立方体卫星可展开磁强计机构设计与制作:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_79333.html
