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时间:2020-12-05 11:38来源:毕业论文

摘要提出一套齿轮传动动态精度测试系统设计方案,利用旋转编码器和数据采集卡实现对齿轮传动过程中动态信号的采集与处理。在对旋转编码器工作原理和工作参数做充分的了解后,对PCI-9111数据采集卡做详细研究的前提下,进行软件程序的编制。软件需要实现计算机对数据采集卡的控制,并且做好信号接收与处理工作,最终得到齿轮传动动态传动比和相关参数。软件编制的重点在于将数据采集卡中的数据送进上位机中进行处理,这将通过对几个主要的处理函数的声明和调用来实现。软件编制将以Visual Basic6.0为平台。60326

毕业论文关键词  齿轮传动   动态精度   旋转编码器   数据采集卡    


Title     Test System’s Architecture Design of Gear Transmission’s Dynamic Accuracy            


Proposing a set of gears dynamic accuracy test system design, and using a rotary encoder and data acquisition card collects and processes the dynamic signal during gear driving. After doing a full understanding of the rotary encoder working principle and operating parameters , and making a detailed study of PCI-9111 data acquisition card , focused on the preparation of a software program .The software is required for controlling the Data acquisition card ,receiving and processing the signal, finally getting the gear transmission ratio and other parameters .Software programming focuses on sending the data of the data acquisition card to the host computer for processing, and this will be done by declarations and calls  for several major functions. Visual Basic6.0 will be the platform for the software development. 

Keywords  Gear transmission     Dynamic accuracy    Rotary encoder    Data acquisition card   

1 绪论 1

1.1 齿轮传动研究现状 1

1.1.1 齿轮传动概述 1

1.1.2 齿轮传动动态精度测试研究现状 1

1.1.3 虚拟仪器技术的发展 2

1.2 研究的背景及目的 2

2 齿轮传动动态精度测试系统方案设计 3

2.1 测试系统要求 3

2.2 测试系统整体方案设计 3

2.3 齿轮传动装置 3

2.4 传感器选择 4

2.4.1 传感器概述 4

2.4.2 旋转编码器 5

2.5 数据采集卡 6

2.5.1 数据采集卡的功能和分类 6

2.5.2 PCI-9111数据采集卡 7

2.6 硬件连接 8

2.6.1 PCI-9111齿轮传动动态精度测试系统结构设计:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_65772.html
