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时间:2020-12-01 19:18来源:毕业论文

摘要随着我国社会和经济的发展,地籍测量实时性需求越来越高。因此,需要研究能够胜任地籍管理工作的快捷、高效的地籍测量新技术。捷联惯性导航系统(Strap Inertial Navigation System,SINS)和全球定位系统(Global Positioning System,GPS)的快速发展,使GPS/SINS组合测量技术越来越成熟,为现代地籍测量的研究提供了一个崭新的技术方向。

本课题以GPS/SINS组合测量技术在地籍测量中的应用为背景,重点研究了卫星/惯性组合定位设备中的手持机的设计。首先介绍了GPS/SINS组合定位系统的相关理论,得出设计手持式控制器的必要性。依据手持机功能,选择基于ARM内核的嵌入式系统的方案,利用EVC4.0(sp4)的软件开发平台和基于MFC的开发方法,在飞凌公司FL2440开发板上,依据实际功能需求给出了手持机功能及各部分实现方式,并编写出对应的应用软件。在应用程序实现后,利用上位机VC++6.0编写测试软件,利用串口蓝牙模块发送测试数据,通过实际操作分析以及将测试结果图像与上位机matlab绘制的图像对比,验证了基于ARM和Windows CE设计的手持机的主要功能。60106

毕业论文关键词  地籍测量  ARM 手持机 WinCE  


Title     Handset  Design  of  the  Satellite / Inertial   Positioning  Device                      


With the development of the society and economy of China, the demand of real-time cadastration data has become stricter and stricter. Therefore, it’s necessary to study fast and efficient cadastral surveying technologies to competent the work of cadastral management. While the technology of SINS (Strap Inertial Navigation System) and GPS (Global Positioning System) has rapidly developed, the GPS/SINS integrated measurement technology tends to be more mature. It provides a new technical direction for the research of modern cadastration technique. 

The GPS/SINS integrated measurement technique applied to cadastral surveying focus on design of the handset in the system of the satellite / inertial integrated positioning device. Firstly, based on introducing theories related to the GPS / SINS integrated positioning system, it is necessary to design a handheld controller. Secondly with the introduction of the basic principles of embedded systems, the reason is elaborated why ARM core-based embedded system is chosen. After that, using EVC4.0 (sp4) software development platform and MFC-based development approach, the handset function and implementations of each part are given based on the actual functional requirements, and the corresponding application is completed in FL2440 development board bought from Forlinx Embeded Technology Company. In the end, the testing software programmed by VC + +6.0 through PC sends data through serial port Bluetooth modules. Actual operations and comparison between the test result image and the image drawn by matlab verify practicality of handset application based on Windows CE embedded system.

Keywords   cadastration  ARM  handset  WinCE

1 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 GPS/SINS组合定位技术研究现状 1

1.3 手持机研究现状 2

1.3.1 手持设备操作系统 3

1.3.2 手持设备处理器 卫星惯性组合定位设备中手持机设计:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_65472.html
