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时间:2020-10-19 19:44来源:毕业论文




 Abstract In the process of assembly scene,the parts must be cleaned before assembly work. Its purpose is to: (1)removing parts of the surface of the anti-rust oil, so as to ensure the parts measurement accuracy; (2)to prevent the area of dust in the assembly process, easy to observe whether parts of the surface corrosion in inventory; (3).Remove rust preventive oil metamorphism, can also avoid the oil block into the machine. The main issue is the analysis of hardware and structure of rotary spray cleaning machine need to use for cleaning the car disc brake of the shell. Because the auto mobile brake caliper housing structure is special, so the industrial cleaning the machine is difficult to meet the demand of cleaning the parts. In view of the above problems for the special location of the part design fit the structure of the cleaning fixture, full range to facilitate cleaning. And to achieve a simple structure, reliable operation, low cost and practical significance. At the same time, topics are also analyzed the structure of fixture design, expounds the advantages and disadvantages of.

The overall program, sweeper cleaning robot structural design, waste collection tank design, including determination of transmission, gear design, shaft design, cleaning robot is designed with the human person as the driving force, No secondary pollution, No emissions, use high efficiency, rugged, and satisfy the requirements of a variety of clean space.

Keywords: cleaning robot is human, structural design, mechanical design

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 选题背景 1

1.2 国内外清洗机械手的发展状况及发展前景 1

1.2.1国外研究现状 1

1.2.2国内研究现状 3

1.3 清洗机械手介绍 6

1.4用于清洗的机械手的功用 6

1.5清洗机械手器人的发展 6

1.6清洗机械手的特点 7

第二章 机械手的机构的设计 8

2.1组成机械手的零件 8

2.2方案论证 8

2.2.1液压机构 8

2.2.2纯机电机构 8

2.3分析设计的方案与选型 9

第三章 机械手参数设计 10

3.1 底座部分设计计算 10

3.1.1联轴器的设计 智能化清洗机器人的结构设计+CAD图纸:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_63196.html
