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时间:2020-07-18 20:31来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词:阀门参数化 外螺纹截止阀  相应参数

Abstract Male valve is in the use of marine areas are more of a typical valve, marine vessels has wide application. However, due to a variety of vessels needed Male valve models, specifications differ, so externally threaded globe valve design, production is still mainly developed, designed and inefficient. With the three-dimensional CAD technology in the field of continuous application of mechanical, Male valve design also to, automation, intelligent direction.

The purpose of this paper is to design and conduct externally threaded valve parameterization, the paper first proposed Male valve design required to solve the problem, then the strength calculations.Upon completion of these, you can be modeled and parameterized. Male valve complete parameterization, simply enter Male valve corresponding parameters, the system will automatically Male valve graphical entities. In this way the overall user-friendly design, and easy to operate, the part is designed to meet a series of various matching requirements, precision and strength can meet the design requirements. Paper concludes with male thread stop valve parametric design features, and show some three-dimensional map.

Keywords: Valve parametric   Male valve   corresponding parameters


第一章绪论 1

1.1本次毕业设计的目的与意义 1

1.1.1本次毕业设计课题的目的 1

1.1.2本次毕业设计课题的意义 2

1.2外螺纹截止阀的国内外现状 2

1.2.1外螺纹截止阀的发展趋势和研究方向 3

1.3本次毕业设计所要解决的问题 4

第二章外螺纹截止阀的概况 5

2.1截止阀的分类 5

2.2 外螺纹截止阀的优缺点 6

2.3 外螺纹截止阀的结构组成 7

2.4外螺纹截止阀的作用 7

2.5本章小结 8

第三章外螺纹截止阀的设计和校核计算 8

3.1 工艺参数 8

3.2 外螺纹截止阀阀体壁厚的计算 9

3.3外螺纹截止阀的阀杆的强度校核 10

3.4填料压盖的强度校核 13

3.5阀盖的强度校核 SolidWorks外螺纹截止阀参数化设计:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_56488.html
