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时间:2017-04-23 17:00来源:毕业论文

摘要平衡机作为火箭炮的一种重要部件有许多形式,例如弹簧式,气压式和扭杆式等。火箭发射系统设计中有一种四连杆机构形式的扭杆式平衡机,该种形式的设计利用了平行四连杆机构的特点和叠板扭簧的特性,是一种应用较广的平衡形式。    论文的研究内容来源于现代战争对武器发射平台快速,灵活,机动的要求之上。课题研究的目的是研制一种高性能的扭力式平衡机以满足大口径火箭炮的战术性能要求。首先论文分析了国内外火箭发射系统平衡机的研发及发展现状,根据火箭炮的性能要求,结合传统弹簧式以及气压式的结构,提出了一种新的平衡方案,以适应现代火箭炮。其次,论文根据上述方案,对四连杆机构的扭力式平衡机进行了设计并建立了模型。最后运用matlab软件编制计算程序,实现设计的参数化并建立origin软件与计算结果的联系,实现曲线绘制的自动化。弹簧式平衡机                扭杆式平衡机关键词:平衡机 四连杆 重力矩7560
Tittle  Machine design and calculation of parallel four-bar linkage torsion balance
Balancing machine as an important part of the rocket takes many forms, such as spring-loaded, pneumatic, and torsion bar. Launch rocket system design in the form of a four-bar linkage of the torsion bar type balancing machine, the design of the forms use the characteristics of parallel four-bar linkage and the characteristics of the stacked plate torsion spring, is a widely used form of balance .
     The paper content comes from modern warfare weapons launch platform for fast, flexible, mobile requirements above. The purpose of the research is the development of a high-performance torque balancing machines to meet the large-caliber rockets and tactical performance requirements.
     First, the paper analyzes the research and development status of the domestic and foreign-launch rocket system balancing machines, and performance requirements of the rockets, combined with the traditional spring and pneumatic structures, a new balance to adapt to the modern rockets. Secondly, the paper under the above program, the torque balance of the four-bar linkage design and the establishment of a model. Finally, the Matlab software development process to achieve the design parameters and to establish the origin software and computing the results to achieve the automation curves.
Key Words: Balancing machine four-link and re-torque
目  录
1  绪论    2
1.1 本课题研究的意义    2
1.2 本课题的研究背景    4
1.3 国内外研究现状    5
1.4 课题研究目的    6
1.5 课题研究内容    6
2 平衡机设计的注意问题    7
2.1 问题的提出    7
2.2 工作原理    9
2.3 扭杆式直接扭矩和四连杆扭矩比较    12
2.4 设计中应注意的问题    13
3 设计依据和方案    14
3.1 设计计算依据    15
3.2 设计方案    16
4 平衡机结构设计    17
4.1 四杆机构设计    17
4.2 单侧扭杆预扭角、预扭力矩和平衡力矩    17
4.3 单侧扭杆最大预扭角和最大预力矩MYmax    19
4.4 串联式扭杆结构设计    19
4.5 预扭力矩计算    23
4.6 编写EXCEL计算程序并利用ORIGN软件绘图    23
4.7 扭杆加工要求与预扭试验    27
4.8 四连杆机构扭力平衡机的三文图绘制    28 平行四连杆机构扭力平衡机设计与计算:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_5573.html