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时间:2020-06-13 16:02来源:毕业论文




Astract With the country's rise as more and more dependent on marine interests of national economic development momentum, the shipbuilding industry is also growing concern by the people, the corresponding marine equipment also need to develop progress, and acting as an automatic device closed on sea rescue and research equipment of the ship is a very practical, to explore this question and in-depth research unmanned boat retractable electrical control devices and related components, application technology, know and master PLVC related operations such as electrical control system design application.

Paper first describes the background and development of retractable device technology overview, a brief introduction of its other equipment commonly used mechanical structure, analysis of the various important parts of the work steps and operating principle, the actual work may encounter problems such as heave compensation, anti-swinging a specific analysis, etc., in order to understand, specially drawn operation flow chart makes clear, and then compare the current practical PLVC a systematic exposition, and description of its components on the control panel and then some its corresponding control functions, the design of the unmanned boat retractable device mechanical components, control circuit module design and logical analysis, in order to operate a humane, also designed the different functions of the operating handle, and then focuses on design and analysis the circuit design of the system and, finally, according to the relevant performance parameters, some components of the circuit has been carried out selection and functional descriptions.

 Keywords:USV ;retractable device ;electric contro lsystem;PLVC


第一章  绪论 1

1.1 收放装置的发展史及其技术背景 1

1.2收放装置的功能介绍 1

1.3常见收放装置的构造 2

1.4本章小结 3

第二章 无人艇收放装置的控制设计 4

2.1无人艇收放装置的设计 4

2.1.1收放装置的设计要求 4

2.1.2总体的布局形式 4

2.2无人艇收放装置的关键控制 5

2.2.1防摇摆装置控制 5

2.2.2恒张力绞车与减震装置 PLVC无人艇收放装置控制系统设计+CAD图纸:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_54224.html
