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NX/Mold Wizard的无线键盘上盖热流道注塑模具设计+CAD图纸+答辩PPT

时间:2020-05-04 20:07来源:毕业论文

摘要:随着塑料工业的飞速发展,模具制造工业也渐渐地崛起,至到成为机械中的巨头。而且广泛运用到医疗器械、军用品、民用品、机械等行业。当然,我们熟悉了注塑模具是对了解塑件产品和如何提高产品的质量有着非常重要的意义。与传统设计不同的是此次毕业设计通过NX模块中的Mold Wizard设计无线键盘上盖。经过加热把传统式模具或两板模在每一成形时刻都不需要取出流道和浇道的新型设计方法,极大的方便了用户和设计者,这也是热流道的方便之处。本课题结构复杂,需要考虑的方面很多。塑件本身存在许多侧抽芯和镶件机构,可以从NX标准件库里面调出适合自己毕业设计的机构类型。完成合理的模具设计之后,按照国家制图标准使用AutoCAD绘制二维装配图、型芯和型腔图、重要成型零件图等。48405

毕业论文关键词: 两板模;热流道;标准件

Design of hot runner injection mold for the upper cover of wireless keyboard based on NX/Mold Wizard 

Abstract: With the rapid development of the plastic industry, the mold manufacturing industry is gradually rising, to become a giant in the machinery. And it is widely used in medical equipment, military products, civilian products, machinery and other industries. Of course, familiar with the injection mold of plastic products, how to improve the quality of the products has a very important significance. With the traditional design is the graduation design wireless keyboard design on cover through the NX module in Mold Wizard. After heating the traditional mold or die in two new design method for each of the forming time do not need to remove the sprue and runner, a great convenience to users and designers, which is convenient for hot runner. This subject has complex structure, many aspects need to consider The plastic part itself has many side core pulling and insert piece mechanism, which can be transferred from the NX standard parts library for their graduation design organization type. After the completion of the mold design is reasonable, according to the national standard drawing using AutoCAD drawing 2D assembly, core and cavity maps, important molding drawing.

Key words: two plate; hot runner; standard parts

目  录


1  塑件成型工艺性分析2

1.1  塑件分析 2

1.2  塑件材料分析2

1.3  ABS的注射成型过程及工艺参数3

1.3.1  注射成型过程3

1.3.2  注射工艺参数4

2  确定模具的结构形式和出现注射机5

2.1  分型面位置的确定5

2.2  型腔数量和排位方式的确定5

2.2.1  型腔数量的确定5

2.2.2  型腔排位的确定5

2.3  注射机型号的确定6

2.3.1  注射量的确定6

2.3.2  浇注系统凝料体积的初步估算6

2.3.3  选择注塑机7

2.3.4  注射机的相关参数校核7

3  浇注系统的设计9

3.1  浇口位置的确定9

3.2  流道的设计9

4  成型零件11

4.1  成型零件的结构设计11

4.1.1  凹模结构设计11

4.1.2  凸模结构设计11

4.2  成型零件材料选择和毛坯尺寸12

4.3  镶件的设计13

5  冷却系统设计15

6  脱模机构和侧抽芯的设计18

6.1  脱模机构18

6.1.1  凝料的脱模18

6.1.2  塑件的脱模18

6.1.3  塑件脱模力的计算及校核19

6.2  侧抽芯机构20

6.2.1  侧抽芯结构类型的确定20

6.2.2  侧抽芯结构的计算20

7  合模导向结构的设计22

NX/Mold Wizard的无线键盘上盖热流道注塑模具设计+CAD图纸+答辩PPT:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_51002.html