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时间:2020-03-08 13:04来源:毕业论文

ABSTRACT  Graduation design is necessary for mechanical college teaching plan of a comprehensive teaching and training we comprehensive use of the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills, to analyze and solve practical problems is an important aspect of it is in every teaching link to go along, deepening and tests, it and other teaching complement each other, complement each other, practice and synthesis is not a substitute for other aspects of the teaching. It is an important means to realize the combination of theory and practice. Graduation design is our comprehensive knowledge and skills training to rely on their own to complete their own related topics of graduation thesis, grasp the technical ability to solid and clear thinking ability, through the graduation design makes me get a strong comprehensive practice training and practice ability raise and the incomparable spiritual wealth.In the completion of graduation design, should pay attention to the following qualities and ability of the training:    1, to cultivate their ability to solve problems independently.
    2, to further strengthen the theoretical knowledge and skills training and training.
    3, in the whole process of graduation design attention to the guidance of teachers  and related teachers to consult.
    4, stressed the theory of practice
Key words: drilling four hole machine tool; PLC programmable technology;
目  录
第一章  绪论    1
1.1 课题背景    2
1.2 钻孔组合机床研究主要内容    3
1.3 钻孔组合机床课题意义    3
第二章  加工零件的设计    3
2.1 多缸泵体的结构示意图    3
2.2 多缸泵体加工要求    4
2.3 多缸泵体的加工方案    4
2.4 多缸泵体的定位方案选择    4
2.5多缸泵体的夹紧方案选择    4
2.6多缸泵体定位粗基准选择    5
2.7 多缸泵体定位精基准的选择    5
2.8 多缸泵体零件工艺方案表设计    5
2.9 多缸泵体零件加工余量的选择    6
2.10多缸泵体零件切削用量选择    7
2.11加工工艺卡制作    7
第三章  组合机床总体设计    9
3.1多缸泵体工序图设计    9
3.2多缸泵体加工图设计    11
3.3设计钻孔总体机床的尺寸     14
3.4 钻四孔机床生产率的计算    18
第四章  PLC控制系统    21
4.1PLC简介    21
4.1PLC选型    21 PLC钻四孔组合机床总体设计+CAD图纸+梯形图:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_47835.html