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时间:2019-10-10 21:35来源:毕业论文

[毕业论文关键词]:振动筛     驱动     控制系统     激振器
[Keyword]:Vibrating separator    Drive    Control System       Vibrator
[Abstract]:The design focused on the shaker frequency and amplitude control, the use of the principle of inertia eccentric shaft, for controlling the amplitude of the vibrating screen, to control the frequency of the vibrating screen by the motor speed, the design for the best work state, even when the power in the inverter device can be stepless speed, amplitude will change with the rotation speed of the motor change. Meanwhile, in this design, power supply with a reverse brake wiring, the vibration sieve when parking can quickly through the resonance region, reducing the amplitude of the parking time. Design also uses the principles of probability screening, the design is a probability screen, compared with other ordinary screen, its efficiency faster and more responsive to the current pace of life.
1.绪论    1
1.1筛分的概念    1
1.2筛分作业    1
1.3筛分机的发展史    1
2. 目的依据及说明    2
2.1设计目的    2
2.2设计依据    2
2.3设计过程简介    2
3. 筛分类型比较确定筛分基型    2
3.1各类筛分机的优缺点    2
3.2结合设计目的选择筛分机类型    6
4. 被控制单元参数的确定    6
4.1筛网类型的选择    6
4.2筛孔形状尺寸的确定    8
4.3筛网筛丝直径的确定    8
4.4筛面倾角的计算    9
4.5振幅与频率的计算    10
4.6压紧装置和张紧装置的选择    11
4.7筛面长宽的确定    12
5. 控制参数的计算    15
5.1筛箱的设计    15
5.3参振质量M    17
6. 主振弹簧的设计    17
6.1重心的计算    18
6.2主振弹簧的设计    20
6.3确定其其他参数为    20
7. 控制系统中激振器的设计    20
8. 控制系统功率计算及电动机的选择    21
8.1运动消耗功率    22
8.2摩擦消耗的功率    22
8.3选择电动机型号    23
9. 控制系统中带轮的参数确定    26
10. 零部件性能校核    26
11. 结论    28
12.参考文献    28
13. 谢辞    291.绪论
  (1)独立筛分:独立筛分是为了能够得到的最后产物能满足用户的需求。例如,在黑色冶金工业中,将含铁较高的富铁矿进行筛分,筛分成不同粒级,能够满足要求的大块铁矿石直接可以进入高炉进行冶炼作业,而剩下的粉矿则需要在制块后入炉。 振动筛分驱动自动控制系统设计:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_40474.html