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时间:2019-06-15 21:19来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:反击式破碎机 转子强度 公差
Abstract The impact crusher hammer crusher is developed on the basis of, a lot of application in limestone, sandstone, the cement clinker, burned clay, gypsum and coal, ore of broken use, so, it is designed to have a wide range of prospects and rich experience for reference. The essence of the design is, in the final design scheme of the overall, when you refer to all the main parts design, installation, orientation, and the inpidual parts strength check and test. And in the related project, to the impact crusher rotor hammer live longer carry out more detailed analysis. In all parts of the design, to include the material choice, the size of the sure, processing requirements, the structure of the technology to meet, and other components of the cooperation of requirements, etc. In the strength of checking is, to use the related formula, the analysis of the dangerous parts, check a watch, mapping and calculation, etc. And then on the overall for installation, working process and work all the way to check, and pay attention to the maintenance, insurance device, and other aspects of the problem, the last of the main parts of the machining accuracy, tolerance, the choice of analysis, in order to ensure that the crusher of the final design of economy and reliability.
Key words impact crusher rotor strength tolerances
目 录
摘要4  Abstract… …5
第1章 绪论 6
1.1..反击式破碎机的分类 6
1.2 破碎机的分类… 6
1.3 反击式破碎机的规格和型号… 6
1.4 反击式破碎机的发展 9
1.5 反击式破碎机特征…11
1.6 反击式破碎机的缺陷11
1.7 反击式破碎机应开发的类型…11
1.8 国内外反击式破碎机的差异…13
第2章 反击式破碎机的工作原理及破碎实质 … 13
2.1 反击式破碎机的工作原理14
2.2 反击式破碎机的破碎实质14
2.2.1 破碎的目的和意义. …14
2.2.2煤矸石的力学性能与反击式破碎机的选择 .… 15
2.2.3 破碎过程的实质 .15
第3章 反击式破碎机的主要参数设计 18
3.1.1 转子转速的计算 18
3.1.2 生产率的计算 …19
3.1.3电动机的功率 … 20
第4章 反击式破碎机转子设计22
4.1 转子结构设计…22
4.2 板锤结构形式与数目22
4.3 转子轴与轴承…23
4.4 轴承的选择25
4.5 电机选择…25
4.6 带及带轮…26
第5章反击式破碎机破碎腔设计 …27
5.1 破碎腔结构参数27
5.2 反击板设计 … 29
5.3 反击板悬挂装置 … 31
第6章 其他零件的选择  35 PF-1318反击式破碎机总体设计+CAD图纸:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_34697.html