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时间:2017-02-21 21:19来源:毕业论文

Design of main transmission and test system of the test sliding bearings comprehensive properties of machine
Abstract: sliding bearings, sliding friction in the work of bearing. sliding bearings smooth, reliable, no noise. Lubrication conditions in the liquid, separated from the sliding surface is not in direct contact with oil, but also can greatly reduce the friction loss and surface wear, the film also has a vibration absorbing capability. A small sliding bearings comprehensive performance test machine is through the sliding axis force sensor test order of the load applied force and torque sensor test slide bearing around the input and output data of the difference between the torque to analyze the performance of the sliding bearing. The slide bearing testing machine can be performed simultaneously comparison test different bearing materials, or the same type of bearing lubrication between the materials of the comparison test. In order to ensure a high center of the whole drive system is required to ensure that the base of the adjustable center height of the torque sensor and the drive can stay on the same center height, in order to test the operating temperature of the sliding bearing is required to adjust the adjustable bracket height and angle measurement , ensure that the temperature sensor is able to measure different points sliding bearings operating temperature.
Keywords: transmission, testing, sensors, adjust the bracket

1 绪论    2
1.1课题背景    2
1.2国内外发展状态    3
2 设计的意义及应用    3
2.1小型滑动轴承综合性能试验机主传动及测试系统的意义    3
2.2测试系统在小型滑动轴承综合性能试验机上的应用    3
3总体方案设计与计算    5
3.1传动系统动力源    6
3.2传动系统设计    9
3.2 1小型滑动轴承综合性能试验轴的选择与校核    9
3.2 2联轴器的选择    11
3.2 3键的选择与校核    13
3.2 4传动方案核    14
3.3可调底座的设计    15
3.4温度传感器支架的设计    16
3.5测试系统的设计    16
3.5.1传感器的选择    17扭矩传感器的选择    17温度传感器的选择    21力传感器的选择    23
3.5.2数据采集与信号调理    24信号调理    25数据采集    26
4 总结    28
5 致谢    29
6 参考资料    30
1 绪论
1.1 课题背景
滑动轴承(sliding bearing),在滑动摩擦下工作的轴承。滑动轴承工作平稳、可靠、无噪声。在液体润滑条件下,滑动表面被润滑油分开而不发生直接接触,还可以大大减小摩擦损失和表面磨损,油膜还具有一定的吸振能力。但起动摩擦阻力较大。轴被轴承支承的部分称为轴颈,与轴颈相配的零件称为轴瓦。为了改善轴瓦表面的摩擦性质而在其内表面上浇铸的减摩材料层称为轴承衬。轴瓦和轴承衬的材料统称为滑动轴承材料。常用的滑动轴承材料有轴承合金(又叫巴氏合金或白合金)、耐磨铸铁、铜基和铝基合金、粉末冶金材料、塑料、橡胶、硬木和碳-石墨,聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)、改性聚甲醛(POM)、等。滑动轴承应用场合一般在低速重载工况条件下,或者是文护保养及加注润滑油困难的运转部位。润滑膜的形成是滑动轴承能正常工作的基本条件,影响润滑膜形成的因素有润滑方式、运动副相对运动速度、润滑剂的物理性质和运动副表面的粗糙度等。滑动轴承的设计应根据轴承的工作条件,确定轴承的结构类型、选择润滑剂和润滑方法及确定轴承的几何参数。滑动轴承包含很宽范围的结构和材料,包括金属-聚合物、固体聚合物、纤文缠绕和单金属和双金属等。 小型滑动轴承综合性能试验机主传动及测试系统设计:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_3204.html