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时间:2018-05-28 10:26来源:毕业论文

关键词  制导炮弹  导引律  比例导引  过重力补偿  仿真
Title    Research  on the Terminal  Guidance Methods  of  Guided   Projectile                           
With the development of modern science and technology in military, Because of the low accuracy and near range, traditional artillery can not adapt to the requirements of modern warfare. Guided projectiles arise at the historic moment. Guided projectiles both have the advantages of traditional projectile and missile,it is a combination of conventional ammunition and high-tech military technology. It has become the inevitable trend of future artillery weapons.
In this paper, a guided projectile with canard configuration was chosen as the prototype, Simulating the guided projectile ballistic curve in different guidance law by computer. Analyzing and comparing the characteristics of ballistic curve of the tracking law, and proportional guidance law and over gravity compensation proportional guidance. From the pictures, the ballistic of proportional guidance is flatter than that of tracking law. Guided projectile can attack the top of the target by use of the over gravity compensation proportional guidance law.
Keywords  guided projectile  guidance law   proportional navigation
digital simulation     over gravity compensation
1  绪论    1
1.1  末制导炮弹的研究背景    1
1.2  末制导炮弹的国内外研究现状    2
1.3  制导炮弹发展方向    6
1.4  本毕业设计的主要任务和内容    7
2  制导炮弹末段制导体制与导引规律    8
2.1  制导系统    9
2.2  末制导段导引规律及目标导引弹道.    10
2.2.1  追踪法    12
2.2.2  平行接近法    13
2.2.3  比例导引法    14
2.2.4  过重力补偿比例导引法    15
2.3  制导炮弹通常使用的的导引头    16
3  末制导炮弹的受力分析及飞行弹道模型    18
3.1  作用在制导炮弹上的力和力矩    18
3.1.1  作用在制导炮弹上的力    18
3.1.2  作用在制导炮弹上的力矩    20
3.2  常用坐标系的建立和坐标系间的转换    21
3.2.1  常用坐标系的建立    21
3.2.2  坐标系间的转换关系    22
3.3  制导炮弹末制导段的弹道模型    23
3.4  本章小结    24
4  数值计算与结果分析图像对比    24 制导炮弹末段控制方案研究:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_16446.html