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时间:2018-04-05 21:38来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词: 板形;辊缝;751辊轧机;轧辊
  1250 Mill Roll System Design
Abstract:Metal rolling mill is the realization process equipment, mainly composed of the work stand, roll, roller bearings, rolling rack. Crown and intermediate plate of the same cross section of edge drop is due to the rolling mill reaction force by the rolling action of the roller causes deformation due to uneven distribution of the nip. The plate-shaped cross-section of the plate to change, we need to improve the shape of the distribution of work roll seam. Several important to use a combination of six-high rolling mill: By pre-setting the axial position of the intermediate rolls, intermediate rolls adjustments, such as the work roll bending force, we can better rolling variety of different widths original plate-shaped rolling pieces. Intermediate roll axial movement can be controlled to be rolled to the middle of the plate outside edge of the plate-shaped, while the intermediate rolls are bending can better control the middle of the plate is rolled plate shape. The design goal is to roll graduation part, mainly to identify and check the roll rolling force and rolling torque calculations, roll design, content and other parameters.
Keyword: strip shape, roller gap, six-high cluster mill l, the roller
1 绪论    1
1.1 课题介绍    1
1.2 文献综述    2
1.3国外发展情况    3
1.4 国内发展情况    4
1.5 课题研究方向    4
1.5.1 辊系的确定    4
1.5.2 辊系方案比较    4
2 辊系的轧制力与轧制力矩的计算    8
2.1 轧制力计算    7
2.2轧制力矩计算    8
2.3 总轧制力矩计算步骤及其结果    20
3 轧机的辊系设计    23
3.1 轧辊    23
3.2 轧辊校核    23
4 轧辊轴承    30
4.1 滚动轴承    30
4.2 轧辊调整装置    30
4.3 设计参数汇总    31
5.总结    32
6.致谢    33
7.参考文献    34
1 绪论
1.1 课题介绍
   轧钢生产是在旋转的轧辊间改变钢钉,钢坯形状的压力加工生产过程。轧制技术生产其主要优点是具有生产率高、品种多、生产过程连续性强、易于实现机械自动化等。所以相比锻造、挤压、拉拔等工艺,轧制技术在应用方面的广泛性更大。目前,约有90%的钢都是经过轧制成材的。列入有色金属成材等,轧制技术是首选。轧制技术生产在满足一般产品外,为了更好服务国民经济需求,在军工,比如国防专用钢制材料,船舶行业中造船,都有专门使用此技术。钢铁工业是国民经济的支柱产业,轧钢生产是主要钢铁产品的生产工序,是直接面对市场和最终用户的生产过程,轧钢厂也是钢铁行业获得利润的主要生产部门。因此,1250轧机也对我们钢铁行业起着不少作用,良好的轧钢生产方式不仅带给我们巨大的经济效益,而且将影响钢铁工业的正常运行和国民经济的可持续发展。 1250轧机辊系设计+CAD图纸:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_12456.html