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时间:2018-03-28 10:12来源:毕业论文

关键词:简易双路供弹机 计算机辅助设计 传统供弹机 20256
Title    The design about simple dual-feeder of machine-gun               
Dual-feeder technology is widely used in modern middle-caliber gun .It is driven by a unique mechanism, to make one gun select the chains of two kind of bullets. With the development of in-depth principle, to achieve dual-feeder have different methods. But now more mature dual-feeders can be found, they are usually more complex structure, a large weight, only suitable as a vehicle weapons. The author, researching  the main dual-feeders for structure, try to simplify institutions and use the traditional machine-gun design theory with the help of computer-aided design and several important parameters of the mechanism are calculated. Several main basis of the completion of the design comes from experience and assumptions, so this article focuses on methods and theories
Keywords: simple dual-feeders   CAD   traditional feeders  
1  引言    1
1.1  研发背景及意义:    1
1.2  重要作用:    1
1.3  西方研发情况:    2
1.4 本毕业设计的主要内容    4
2  方案的总体论证    5
2.1  是否需要首发弹功能    5
2.2  在不需要首发弹技术的情况下,进一步简化机构的入手点    6
2.3  进排弹路线和结构的选择    6
3  结构型式的确定    8
3.1简单双路供弹机分析    9
3.1.1 分析双路供弹机的工作特性:    9
3.1.2 通过对双路供弹机换向机构动作后正常进入另一工作循环的条件的分析:    9
3.1.3 联系假设一,结合常用单路供弹动力传动结构分析可行性:    10
3.1.4 对3.1.2中的假设二,结合常用单路供弹机结构分析可行性    12
3.2动力传递机构形式的确定    12
3.3  传动机构类型的确定    13
3.4  其他一些结构类型的确定    13
4  双路供弹机结构设计    15
4.1 对SOLIDWORKS的使用方法    15
4.2主要零件设计    17
4.2.1 枪机框凸轮槽和换向机构的设计    17
4.2.2 机匣的设计    21
4.2.3 受弹座的设计    22
4.2.4 压弹盖的设计    23
4.2.5压弹上壁的设计    24
4.2.6 杠杆设计    26
4.2.7 推弹滑板的设计    27
4.2.8 双路供弹机三文装配模型    27
5  主要性能参数的估算    30
结  论    34
致  谢    36
参考文献    37 简易双路供弹机设计+文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_11968.html