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时间:2018-03-27 11:10来源:毕业论文

关键词: 认面;搬运机构;气缸;传感器
Confirming the direction of the rear-view mirror cover plate and handling mechanism design
Abstract: The design of integrated actions to promote the use of the cylinder, the control principle of the sensor, rotary motion of the motor pulley, vacuum handling commands and agencies, with a lot of parts in blocks, plates and standard parts processing linked to each other, automated production line mirrors Put the cover on the surface. The key technology is machinery automation control systems and electrical control systems work with each other, indirectly controlled by the sensor sends a signal to retract the cylinder release time gap and adsorption artifacts, the time difference porter pieces, so that the direction of the cover through several steps to achieve accurate recognition surface; simple transport mechanism from the cylinder, rails and sliders components. Meet the requirements under the premise of choosing the right cylinders and motors to minimize costs, production process automation, improve production efficiency.
Key words: Determine the direction; Transportation agencies; the cylinder; the sensor;
目  录
1  绪论   1
2  自动化系统  2
2.1  自动化系统2
2.2  自动化系统的组成机构2
2.3  自动化系统分类2
2.4  自动化系统应用2
3  方案设计 4
3.1  工件结构特点4
3.2  方案的确定 4
3.3  送料平台的设计4
3.4  推进机构的设计5
3.4.1  气缸的工作原理 6
3.4.2  气缸的种类 6
3.4.3  气缸的机构6
3.4.4  气缸的优点6
3.4.5  推进气缸的选定7
3.5  认面机构的设计7
3.5.1  电机的选择7
3.5.2  同步带轮的选定8
3.6  定位机构的设计9
3.6.1  轴承的选定9
3.6.2  顶出气缸10
  3.6.3  传感器的选型10
3.7  吸附机构的设计12
3.8  搬运机构的设计13
4  工作原理介绍 15
5  外购件校核 17
5.1  双作用推出气缸校核17
5.2  上行下行顶出气缸校核19
5.3  气压选型(均为FESTO的元件)20
5.4  空压机的选择21
5.5  轴承的校核21
5.6  电机的校核22
6  总结23
1  绪论
自动化(Automation)是指机器设备、系统或过程(生产、管理过程)在没有人或较少人的直接参与下,按照人的要求,经过自动检测、信息处理、分析判断、操纵控制,实现预期的目标的过程。自动化技术广泛用于工业、农业、军事、科学研究、交通运输、商业、医疗、服务和家庭等方面。采用自动化技术不仅可以把人从繁重的体力劳动、部分脑力劳动以及恶劣、危险的工作环境中解放出来,而且能扩展人的器官功能,极大地提高劳动生产率,增强人类认识世界和改造世界的能力。 后视镜上盖板的认面及搬运机构设计+CAD图纸:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_11895.html