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时间:2017-06-11 21:54来源:毕业论文

Title:The edge map generation and feature macthing techniques  based on sift feature facing the image sketch       
Image edge detection is often required the detected edge with the closed features,the paper to improve the currently used the canny extraction algorithm ,we conduct to filter,enhance,detect and locate the image,then obtain the edge map ,we integrate confident measure into gradient-based edge detector on the basis of this algorithm.The edge map that is geted from the improved algorithm retains the important information of original image,and makes the total amount of data to reduce the lot,then it conform the requirements of feature extraction.On this basis,we use the SIFT algorithm to extract feature,then we use the ANN algorithm to match features of two images that is processed by advance canny edge detect algorithm and ANN algorithm.It can lay the foundation of line-drawing generation technology and real-time copying system to chinese murals and paintings.
Keywords:Edge Detection; closed feature; canny algorithm; feature extraction;Scale Invariant Feature Transform; approximate nearest neighbor searching;feature matching
1 引言    1
1.1 课题背景及意义    1
1.2 图像边缘图生成与特征提取的国内外研究现状    3
1.3 本文的主要工作    8
2 canny改进及其边缘图生成方法    9
2.1引言    9
2.2 canny边缘检测的基本原理    10
2.3 改进的canny    12
2.4 实验结果    14
2.5本章小结    15
3 基于SIFT算子的特征提取和 ANN特征匹配    16
3.1 引言    16
3.2  SIFT特征提取算法    16
3.3 ANN特征匹配    26
4 面向图像素描生成的边缘图提取和特征匹配模块化开发与实现    31
4.1 引言    31
4.2 系统框架以及相关算法    31
4.3 模块化功能实现及部分运行界面    31
4.4 典型实验结果    34
结论    40
致谢    41
参考文献    42
附录A:canny改进算法    44
附录B:SIFT特征提取算法    46
附录C: ANN特征匹配算法    47                                                                      
1 引言
1.1 课题背景及意义
敦煌莫高窟壁画和杨柳青年画等绘画艺术是中华民族的艺术瑰宝,目前正面临来自环境和其他因素的危害,处于损害严重和逐渐消失的边缘。而由于平台的特殊性(墙壁和模板),此两种艺术不易于移动和传递,目前主要的学习和公布于大众的方式之一是艺术临摹,有很多艺术人士和普通民众参与到艺术临摹的过程中来。而临摹方式可能采用徒手写生、幻灯片放大、用玻璃纸拓展线条,再拷贝到宣纸上,但是这三种方式不可避免的会造成一些反面影响:费事、没有艺术功底画不好,对原画造成不可避免的伤害。此时,一些图像处理技术显得尤为重要。 面向图像素描的sift特征边缘图生成和特征匹配技术:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_9069.html