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时间:2021-07-05 19:27来源:毕业论文

摘  要现如今,电子信息化产业迅猛发展,房地产事业蒸蒸日上。面向二手房的销售市场而开发的此二手房网上交易系统,可以围绕二手房销售的业务流程进行线上虚拟交易。实现买卖双方的优质互通互动,减少实体中介的中间环节运作成本,可以进一步提高房地产销售的效率和利润。69161


本系统基于MyEclipse的开发工具,数据库建模方法采用了Power Designer的建模和设计解决方案,后台数据库采用MySQL,以及使用了Navicat for MySQL作为前端数据库管理软件。而且整体架构采用了UML可视化建模理念中MVC的设计模式框架,总体基于B/S架构,还使用jQuery和ajax技术编程开发,能够快速实现用户与系统之间的交互。


毕业论文关键词:二手房交易  MySQL  JSP 

Design and Implementation of Second-hand Houses  Website


Nowadays, the system targeting on the sales of second-hand houses offers convenience for clients from online to offline to operate virtual housing trading, and gain the information of second-hand house availability timely. Sellers can input, query and count the second-hand housing statistics flexibly and conveniently, realizing the classification management of information about leasing or selling. At the same time, buyers can capture the dynamic of second-hand housing sales rapidly and timely, and make collection, comparison, purchase, and evaluation, which can promote the interaction between buyers and sellers in high quality, reducing the costs of medium entity’s operation. 

This graduation design mainly elaborates “The design and implementation of the second-hand house”, including the thought and idea, the design and the mainly functional implementation. On the basis of the exploitation process and the implementation of system functions, this essay will discuss the application and development of database management software. This system provides clear interface, simple operational tools and complete functions and also shows excellent database processing ability and high efficiency of information retrieval function. In the rapid development of B2C and C2C e-commerce, this system has considerable benefits.

This system bases on MyEclipse development tools, and in terms of database modeling method, it adopted modeling and design solutions of Power Designer. It uses MySQL for background database, and uses Navicat for MySQL as front-end database management software. This system also uses MVC user design pattern framework which belongs to UML visualization modeling concepts. 

Key Words: Second-hand housing transactions  JSP   MySQL

目  录







1 系统设计- 3

1.1 系统目标- 3

1.2系统功能需求分析- 3

1.3业务流程图 4

1.4系统功能模块关系图 6

1.5开发环境配置- 8

1.6数据库设计 9

1.7网站文件组织结构 14

1.8本章小结-15 java+mysql二手房网站的设计与实现:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_77916.html
