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时间:2021-05-05 09:11来源:毕业论文


本文研究的组态软件是通过Microsoft Visual Studio 2008自主开发的、基于MFC的组态软件。软件分为组态环境和运行环境两部分,组态环境可进行监控画面和控制策略的组态,通过对组态界面中各类元素的分析,提出了用XML文档存储组态数据的方案;XML文档可由软件读取生成运行环境,以实现运行环境下可运行控制策略并动态显示监控画面为目标,对控制策略及监控画面的生成过程进行了探索,并得出一种读取方案。66794


毕业论文关键词  XML  组态软件  监控画面   控制策略


Title  The application of XML document in the SCADA


The Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition(SCADA) is a control software branch of the rise in recent years. Currently,the configuration data generated by most of the SCADA can only be identified by the software itself.To achieve the universality of configuration data,the method of storing configuration data in an XML document is studied in this paper.

The SCADA researched in this paper is a MFC-based software,developed by Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.The software is pided into two parts of the configuration environment and running environment. Monitor screen and control strategy can be configurated in the configuration environment.Through the analysis of various kinds of elements in the configuration interface, the method of storing configuration data in an XML document is proposed.The XML document can be read by the software to generate running environment.In order to realize the goal that the control strategy can be run and the monitor screen can be displayed dynamically in the running environment,the generation process of the control strategy and the monitor screen is explored.and a method of reading XML document is proposed.

Finally,the feasibility of storing and reading methods are demonstrated with an example.

Keywords  XML  SCADA  monitor screen  control strategy


1  引言 1

1.1 研究的背景与意义 1

1.2 研究现状 2

1.3 XML简介 4

2  软件的总体结构 7

3  组态环境的XML文档 8

3.1  监控画面的XML文档 8

3.1.1  图片控件的存储 8

3.1.2  文本控件的存储 11

3.1.3  连线的存储 13

3.2  控制策略的XML文档 13

3.2.1  算法的存储 14

3.2.2  算法间数据传送关系的存储 15

3.2.3  一个完整的策略示例 16

3.3  本章小结 18

4  读取XML文档生成运行环境 18

4.1  生成监控画面 18

4.1.1  图片控件的还原 XML文档在组态软件中的应用:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_74819.html
