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时间:2021-03-10 20:49来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  行道线检测  摄像机标定  逆透视投影   Hough变换


Title   Lane detection based on inverse  perspective mapping                 

Abstract This paper proposed a lane detection method based on inverse perspective mapping. First, through the research of camera calibration, created a world coordinate system to the image coordinate system mapping relation. On the basis of this relation, proposed an inverse perspective mapping transform method by camera calibration parameters. With the use of inverse perspective mapping image, achieve two lane detection methods based on image segmentation and edge detection respectively. Then took an effective image smoothing method to remove image noise. Finally, with the use of Hough transform and the use of verify method by prior knowledge of image, gave a complete set of lane detection method. In actual test, validated the lane detection method by real road images and proposed the detection method is effective.

Keywords:lane detection; camera calibration; inverse perspective mapping;Hough transform


1. 概述 2

1.1 研究背景 2

1.2 行道线检测过程 2

2. 摄像机标定 4

2.1 标定原理 4

2.3 本文中使用的标定方法 6

3. 逆透视投影变换 7

3.1 逆投影透视图的计算 7

3.2 本文中的逆透视投影变换 9

3 基于逆透视投影图的行道线检测 10

3.1 行道线特征提取 10

3.1 虚警区域去除 14

3.2 基于霍夫变换直线提取 18

4 实验结果 23

4.1 计算机环境配置 23

4.2 程序界面设计及功能 24

4.3 行道线检测结果 25

5 结论与展望 26

参考文献 26

1. 概述

1.1 研究背景

随着智能交通技术的发展,智能汽车利用视觉传感技术实现无人驾驶逐渐成为各个国家研究的热点。视觉传感相比较其他传感技术,例如雷达、GPS、声纳等具有收集信息量巨大,受其他传感器干扰低的特点。这使得其在检测道路障碍,辨认行驶区域上有较大优势。而基于视觉传感的导航技术的一个重点便是如何从图像庞杂的信息中提取出道路标志或者道路边缘[1]。 基于逆透视投影变换的行道线检测方法:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_71212.html
