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Java Web Start的呼吸系统慢性病管理系统的设计与实现

时间:2021-03-04 21:52来源:毕业论文

摘要该系统是基于Java Web Start,为实现呼吸科门诊登记的自动化,增加医生对患者病情的了解,方便医生查看患者过往病历记录并开出相应的处方而设计并实现的。作为一个非常方便实用的系统,将呼吸科就诊患者的资料,包括患者的就诊信息和各项基本信息、疾病史信息、检查信息、医生的诊断信息等由以往的纸质手动填写改为现在的电脑操作,并将这些病历信息存储到数据库中。本系统提供基于角色的权限管理,使医生既能各司其职又不进行超越其权限的非法操作。同时还提供了日志功能,后台记录了操作者的各项操作记录,提高医生的责任意识。该项目是以Java语言为进行开发的,基于Eclipse Helios 3.6集成开发环境和SQL Server 2008数据库,较好的实现了呼吸科门诊的信息化管理,提高了就诊效率。63971

关键词  Java Web Start,呼吸科,信息化管理,就诊效率


Title   Design and Implementation of Respiratory Chronic Disease Management System based on Java Web Start                       

Abstract The system is designed and implemented based on Java Web Satrt,to achieve the goal of automation for pulmonary clinic,to make the doctor familiared with the patient's condition,to facilitate the doctor hava a look at the patient's past medical records and write out a corresponding prescription. As a very convenient and practical system,the data of department of respiration patients, patient information, including the treatment information of patients and fundamental information, medical history information, inspection information, the doctor's diagnostic information, from the paper manually fill changed to the present computer operations, and medical history information is stored in the database. The system provides role-based rights management, so that the doctors can not only carry out their duties without the illegal operation beyond its authority. While also providing a log function, records the operating records of the operator in background, to improve the sense of responsibility of doctors. The project is developed in Java language, based on Eclipse Helios 3.6 integrated development environment and SQL Server 2008 database,implement

the information management of pulmonary clinic, improve the treatment efficiency.

Keywords  Java Web Start, department of respiration, information management, treatment efficiency

目 录

1 引言 1

1.1 项目背景 1

1.2 市场调研与编写目的 1

1.3 关于Java 2

1.4 关于Java Web Start 2

2 需求分析 4

2.1 系统所需的业务流程分析 4

2.2 需要完成的功能 4

3 概要设计 7

3.1 编码规范 7

3.1.1 包命名规范 7

3.1.2 类和接口命名规范 7

3.1.3 方法命名规范 Java Web Start的呼吸系统慢性病管理系统的设计与实现:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_70850.html
