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时间:2020-09-25 17:42来源:毕业论文



Abstract: This system is based on the use of the Java language B / S model car booking system. This thesis describes features designed to expand, first introduced the project background, significance and related technologies, given the system development environment. Secondly, according to the system requirements analysis to determine the function of the system modules and design patterns, given the design of the database. Then focus describes the implementation process of the system function modules, namely central administrator and Member of two modules, including the administrator login administrator Center registered user management, information management and booking line information management, including Member Login line queries, booking function realization and Feedback module, administrators, members of two modules, and the main code is described in detail, given the operation of the database. Finally, to test the system, test results are given.

Keywords: Car booking system, database, information management system, java

目 录

1 引言 4

1.1项目背景 4

1.2研究意义 4

1.3相关技术 4

1.4系统开发环境 5

2 系统的总体设计 6

2.1需求分析与系统功能模块确定 6

2.2系统全局E-R图设计 7

2.3 数据库设计 11

3 系统模块功能的实现 13

3.1 管理员模块 13

3.1.1管理员登陆 13

3.1.2 注册用户管理 15

3.1.3 线路信息管理 17

3.1.4订票信息管理 20

3.2会员中心模块 21

3.2.1会员注册模块 21

3.2.2线路查询模块 24

3.2.3会员订票功能实现模块 25

3.2.4在线留言模块 27

4、系统调试与测试 29

4.1 程序调试 29

4.2 测试的重要性及目的 29

4.3 测试的步骤 30

4.4测试的主要内容 30

结论 32

参考文献 33

致谢 34

1 引言


交通运输行业在我国国民经济中站着重头系,随着本国经济的快速发展,其地位也日渐变化。特别是在人员流动性非常大的宜兴市汽车站,面临客运量的与日俱增和市场竞争的压力,如何满足顾客的需求以及城市的交通运输是一个城市现在面临的关键性问题。 java汽车订票系统的设计与实现 :http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_61706.html
