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时间:2020-07-21 21:57来源:毕业论文



Abstract:  In today's society has entered the information society era, information has sustained the wide attention of the society, the Internet the thermalization boom has human into a new era of information, so logistics information has been obtained through computer is the result of the information age is bound to happen. This system uses JSP as the programming language, using the servlet technology, such as javabeans technology, MyEcplise and MySQL tools. Implements the member registration, order, as well as to the unfilled order modification, for evaluation of logistics, and other functions of the front desk management, and maintenance of member management, order management, information, and options management background management functions. Paper first introduces the tools and techniques required for this system, then introduces the system requirement analysis, secondly illustrates system design, process design, detailed design of members and the background, finally introduce the various modules of the system test. 

Keyword:Logistics distribution, Management, System

目  录

1  绪论 4

1.1  研究现状 4

1.2  研究意义 4

2  需求分析与可行性分析 4

2.1  需求分析 4

2.2  可行性分析 6

3  相关技术简介 7

3.1  JSP技术简介 7

3.2  Mysql数据库 7

3.3  JDBC 8

3.4  B/S模式分析 8

4  系统总体设计 9

4.1  前台系统功能结构 9

4.2  后台系统功能结构 10

4.3  数据库设计 11

5  系统详细设计 15

5.1  前台详细设计 15

5.2  后台详细设计 21

6  系统测试 31

6.1  软件测试 31

6.2  软件测试的目的 31

6.3  本系统测试 31

结 论 34

致 谢 35

参考文献 36

1  绪论

1.1  研究现状

随着科技发展和社会进步,尤其是计算机的普及,计算机应用不再满足用于科学计算的海量数据处理,而转向以台式计算机为核心,以数据库管理系统为开发环境的管理信息系统在大规模的事务处理和对工作流的管理等方面的应用。所以在物流配货信息管理之中的应用日益收到人们的关注[ ]。当今是全球化和市场化两大发张趋势,而物流配货则是这两大趋势的结合。在全球化与市场化的时代它进一步促进了世界经济与贸易的发展。 jsp+mysql物流配货系统的设计与实现:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_56785.html
