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时间:2020-06-28 19:25来源:毕业论文


As is well known,in the nineties of the last century,the world has entered the era of information technology in the background of the development and popularization of the computer technology. With the rapid development of the Internet in the whole world, we have come into contact with a new word - network. Network is an exciting theme,and it can bring us unprecedented convenience with the ways which are hard to understand. But it is also a difficult subject. In this field, the design and selection of the network, as well as trouble shooting and security in the communication constitute the key techniques, and these involve extensive knowledge. Due to the complexity of the mechanism, it has put a severe problem in front of us. In nowadays, we use the network to exchange information and share data transmission all the time, ranging from a country's government departments, to a factory workshop or every person's daily life. Therefore, the network security ranks the top issue in the social security schemes.

毕业论文关键词:网络安全;  防;  攻

Keyword:network security; prevention; attack


引言 4

(一)论文的研究背景 4

(二)论文的研究意义 4

(三)论文的研究内容 4

(四)论文拟解决的问题 4

一、网络与网络安全 4

(一)网络 4

(二)网络安全 5

二、网络安全的防与攻 5

(一) 常见的网络安全问题 5

1、 信息泄露 5

2、 病毒和蠕虫 5

3、 黑客攻击 6

(二) 常见的网络安全防护措施 7

1、 杀毒软件 7

2、 网络防火墙 8

3、 数据加密技术 8

4、 良好的上网习惯 9

结语 9

参考文献 10

致谢 11



上个世纪九十年代,在计算机技术的发展和普及的大背景下,世界已进入信息化时代。随着互联网在全世界范围内的迅速发展,我们接触到了一个新的词——网络。随着应用程度与范围的不断延伸,网络给人们带来了前所未有的便利。但由于其开放性和自由性的特点,网络安全事件在我们身边时有发生,网络安全问题变得日益突出与严重。在如今这个时代,大到一个国家的政府部门,小到一个企业的车间或是每个人的日常生活,时时刻刻都在用网络进行着信息的互动交流和数据的共享传输。我们需要网络,更依赖网络。这也使得网络安全问题成为如今这个事事都讲安全的社会里的头等问题。 网络安全的防与攻:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_55448.html
