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时间:2020-05-11 20:03来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词: 人事管理;框架技术;数据库

Personnel management system - data analysis section

Abstract: Along with the information technology development and organization of the information requirements of the general increase, the gradual maturity of the management thought, human resource management has not only the internal organization of a kind of auxiliary management behavior, but the key to the survival and development of the organization. People begin to pay attention to not only the daily human resource management, but also from how to improve the value of human resources management, how to improve the enterprise internal human resource management situation. The establishment of human resource management system is the inevitable trend of enterprise development and growth.

With the rapid development of computer technology, Java technology has become one of the main technologies in software development. In order to encode the normalization and standardization, a variety of framework technologies have emerged, among which the most famous are Struts2, Spring and Hibernate. The personnel management system, we use the SSH framework, Struts2 framework is mainly used to solve the user interface UI layer, and the interaction with the back-end application layer. And Hibernate is used as the data persistence layer. Eventually through the Spring as a bridge between Struts2 and Hibernate, play a role in the business layer. And uses the MySQL database as the data storage.

Keywords: Personnel management; Framework technology;Database

目    录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 课题背景 1

1.2 目的和意义 1

1.3 系统设计思想 2

1.4 系统开发环境 3

1.4.1 MySQL数据库的优点与简介 3

1.4.2 Eclipse简介与优点 4

1.5 论文的工作内容及论文的结构 4

第2章 可行性分析 5

2.1 经济可行性 5

2.2 技术可行性 5

2.3 操作可行性 6

2.4 本章小结 6

第3章 需求分析 6

3.1 对系统的需求分析 7
