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时间:2019-10-29 20:03来源:毕业论文
基于ASP.NET和B/S架构的论坛型网站,开发工具采用visual studio 2008,后台挂接采用SQL Server 2008。课题对论坛型网站系统的页面进行了设置、对数据库的进行了设计与读写。主要功能涉及用户

本文主要研究开发一个基于ASP.NET和B/S架构的论坛型网站,开发工具采用visual studio 2008,后台挂接采用SQL Server 2008。课题对论坛型网站系统的页面进行了设置、对数据库的进行了设计与读写。主要功能涉及用户的注册和登录、发布帖子、评论帖子等,以及管理员删除评论、删除帖子和对用户的封禁等功能。在开发过程中,经过需求分析,概要设计,详细设计,编码,运行,测试,分析等阶段,最终完成了设计。
毕业论文关键词:    ASP.NET;B/S架构;论坛网站
The construction and implementation of the forum website system
Abstract:  With the rapid development of science and technology, computers and the Internet has become an indispensable part of people's lives, is a widely known use platform. Nowadays, the forum website system has become one of the important network applications on the Internet.
In this paper, the main research and development of a ASP.NET based and B/S architecture of the forum website, development tools using studio visual 2008, the background to hang up the use of SQL Server 2008. The topic of the forum website system page settings, the database design and read and write. The main functions of the user's registration and login, post, comments, etc., as well as the administrator to delete comments, delete posts and the user's sealing and other functions. In the development process, through the needs analysis, outline design, detailed design, coding, running, testing, analysis and other stages, and finally completed the design.
Experiments and evaluation show that the subject to achieve the forum website system has friendly forum interface, with all forum website basic function module and the function is simple and easy to use, can better realize the sharing of resources and achieve a goal of information exchange between users and system testing shows that the system is running well, in line with the expected design goal, has certain practical value.
Keywords:    ASP .NET ; B/S structure ; forum website
摘要    i
Abstract    i
目录    iii
1    绪论    1
1.1    课题背景    1
1.2    课题的目的和意义    2
1.3    国内外研究现状与水平    3
1.4    调研情况    5
1.5    课题基本内容    5
1.6    相关理论论述    7
2    课题分析    8
2.1    实现目标    8
2.2    需求分析    8
2.2.1    用户的登录和注册    8
2.2.2    管理员管理功能    10
2.2.3    帖子发表、浏览和回复    11
2.3    论坛型网站流程设计    11
2.3.1    操作流程图    12
2.4    系统性能需求    13 asp.net论坛型网站系统的搭建与实现:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_41798.html