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时间:2018-11-24 19:52来源:毕业论文

Development of hotel reservation management system
Abstract:     With the continuous improvement of the economic level,many people improve their living standards by traveling.Tourism promotes the growth of traffic between cities and cities,all kinds of hotels also increase.With the customer's stay,the customer and room information is also growing exponentially.To this end,many hotels record and manage this information by introducing various management software,the management efficiency of the hotel has been significantly improved,at the same time,the frequency of the error is also reduced.Use the hotel reservation management system can more convenient to the room management and search,can more accurately record the customer's predetermined information.To realize the scientific and standard of hotel management,and improve the internal efficiency of the hotel.
Keywords:    room management;web;hotel reservation;Java Server Pages
摘要    i
Abstract    i
目录    ii
1    绪论    1
1.1    酒店预定管理系统概述    1
1.2    课题研究的背景    1
1.3    课题开发的目的与意义    2
1.4    酒店预定管理系统的现状    2
1.5    论文的主要内容    3
2    相关技术及工具    5
2.1    J2EE概述    5
2.2    J2EE的优势    7
2.3    SQL SERVER的概述及优势    8
3    系统分析    11
3.1    系统总体目标    11
3.2    系统功能要求    11
3.3    系统硬件要求    12
4    系统总体设计    13
4.1    系统总体功能概述    13
4.2    数据库设计    14
4.2.1    数据库设计原则    15
4.2.2    数据库基本设计    17
4.2.3    各表结构    17
5    系统详细设计    19
5.1    前台模块    19
5.2    后台模块    21
5.3    系统界面设计    23
5.3.1    主界面设计    23
5.3.2    前台界面设计    23
5.3.3    后台界面设计    25
5.4    部分程序源代码    27
6    调试    34
7    系统展望和改进    37
8    结论    38
致谢    39
参考文献    40 java酒店预定管理系统设计+文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_26317.html