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时间:2018-11-05 21:20来源:毕业论文

The analysis and design of network medical information system
Abstract:The paper analyzed nowadays people's demands of medical informatization, structure and classification of healthcare information system, puts forward the general design principle of network medical information management system, the overall design system is discussed, and realize the information system of the module. The first is the analyzes information line of  network medical information management system , it can be pided into three parts: Online health advice, medical information services platform and health promotion, according to data flow chart pided it into three area: special network management subsystems , online registration subsystems and drugs management subsystems , and the information system establishment of network topology structure, Then each subsystem and its subsystems were introduced, and the function gradually, and using VB development platform achieved the management subsystem of the module. The realization of the system can help patients and doctors interact online, get targeted solutions and improve the efficiency of hospital management, and thus enhanced the financial performance of the hospital has a realistic significance.
Keywords:Network medical advice; Information System; Systems Analysis; System Design;
目  录
一、绪论    1
(一)管理系统的发展    1
(二)系统开发的背景    2
(三)国内外研究现状    2
(四)系统开发的目的    3
二、网络医疗咨询信息系统的现状分析与未来发展趋势    4
(一)网络医疗咨询信息系统现状分析    4
(二) 网络医疗咨询信息系统未来趋势    5
三、网络医疗咨询信息系统建设的总体规划    6
(一)网络医疗咨询信息系统的策划    6
(二)目标使用者的确定和主要业务流程    6
1、目前使用者的确定    6
2、管理信息系统流程设计    6
3、管理信息系统设计思路    6
(三)系统资源配置    7
1、硬件环境    7
2、软件环境    7
3、管理信息系统开发工具    7
四、概念设计及E-R图    8
(一)数据流程图    8
(二)E-R图设计    9
五、网络医疗咨询信息系统的系统设计    10
(一)模块设计    10
(二)功能模块    10
(三)数据库设计    10
(四)详细设计    11
1、系统主界面    11
2、用户登录界面    13 VB网络医疗咨询信息系统的分析与设计 :http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_25411.html